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If you are involved in team activities, do you tend to be the team leader or foot soldier?

by dwatk (follow)

If or when you're involved in team activities do tend to be the team leader or one of the members responsible for executing the groups mission?
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Foot Soldier.

If it was a school/uni project then I would tend to take the lead, because I wanted to make sure that I got the best grade possible, and not suffer from loafers in the group. I also took a sub-lead role in a writing/film project with some teenagers recently. In other activities though, I'd want someone else to take charge.
If it was a school/uni project then I would tend to take the lead, because I wanted to make sure that I got the best grade possible, and not suffer from loafers in the group. I also took a sub-lead role in a writing/film project with some teenagers recently. In other activities though, I'd want someone else to take charge.
Definitely foot soldier, I am not leader material and I hate confrontation.
Depends on the team experience.
It definitely depends on the team. But generally, I love being the foot soldier. I like to support others.
I am happy to be either, I'd prefer to be the "foot soldier" and aid the leader but if there is a lack of leadership/leadership qualities I have no problem with stepping (or pushing) my way into the leadership position - especially if I think there is a better way to get to the goal.
I don't think I've never been involved in team activities, thank heavens, as I wouldn't have known what to do.
by Miro
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