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If you are a fan of Cosplay, what (or who) do you like dressing up as?

by Xarah (follow)
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Photo: Young Girl Dressed As Pierrot Clown - http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

I'm quite keen to get into the Cosplay scene, but it seems to be too fierce for me. Nonetheless, I want to take up the challenge.

Any Cosplayers out here? What / Who do you love to dress up as for Cosplay purposes?

#Dress Up
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I've seen pictures of this, and noticed a couple of local groups forming. I think it would be a good choice to choose a costume where you can completely immerse yourself into the character. I like the ones where you'd need face paints etc to totally become the character in costume.
Yes! I wanted to dress up as the Khalisi from Game of Thrones last year - there's a lot of costume coordination and makeup involved. But it's a great social experience :-)
by Xarah
This sounds like something new and fun. I'll look into it. Would wear something black and purple!
I'm not really into cosplay (it's time consuming and I don't have the skills to make much myself), but I do plan on wearing a costume to an upcoming con this year if I can get babysitting. It's a fairy outfit inspired by a game.
I'd like to one day dress up as Harley Quinn from Batman. Seems fun!
I just got the costume the other week and am loving it!! :)
by Xarah
I like costumes, but not so much cosplay. I see cosplay as being much more serious, with a greater need to fully commit to your costume. I have made Weeping Angel costumes from Doctor Who and a Lumpy Space Princess costume from adventure time... but I definitely wouldn't call it cosplaying.

I've also made my nieces some fun costumes before, like Arya Stark from Game of Thrones, and the First Doctor from Doctor Who.
I love any excuse to wear a costume and while I haven't participated in Cosplay I would definitely consider it. My teenagers regularly dress up as characters from Homestuck and go to meet ups. They love it!
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