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If there was one talent/skill you could have, what would you wish it would be?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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"I wish I had learnt how to..."

We all have regrets perhaps in terms of what we could have learnt when we were younger or had more time vs. less responsibilities. If you could complete the above sentence, what would it end as? What talents or skills do you wish you really had?

aspiration, talent, skill, wish

#Self Improvement
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Probably learning another language from a young age. I find its harder to learn a new language as an adult than it is as a kid.
I'm the same as Ivana, I would love to be able to sing. There are lots of skills you can learn or improve but some skills need some natural talent to build on.
I wish I could have been more active in sports and learn how to swim well. As I grow older, I found my confidence level in the water decreasing and I have constant fear of water. I also wish I could sew!
I really wish I could play a musical instrument, and my preferred one would be piano. I am trying to learn the ukelele, but I don't think I will get anywhere.
I wish I could sing. Whenever I starting belting out a tune in the car, my son begs me to turn down my volume or he puts on his headphones.
Being able to play a musical instrument, if only I continued with those piano lessons many years ago.
by WSW
That whatever I had came to me naturally, without having to work so hard for what I want...
A photographic memory would be handy.

That's a talent though. you either have them or you don't. Skills you can learn through patience and perseverance. I have quite a few skills I want to develop, such as fiction writing, hoop dancing and cooking. I reckon there's still time.
Like Ivana and Claire, I really wish I had a natural talent for singing.
I always wanted to be able to play the Banjo.

I know there still is time, but that was always something on my heart to do...and do well.
Play guitar ,speak spanish.
I wish I could sing and read people better.
by Vee
I've been fortunate to achieve most of what I've wanted in life.

One Speech & Drama exam which was unable to be taken, due Tonsillectomy, I would like to do.

But my life is SO busy, I don't have time, at the moment!
I wish I was a great writer.
I wish I could sing beautifully. If I could sing like a bird- I wish it was a songbird, not a Crow.
I think many skills can be learnt, but I think singing is a gift.
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