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If the world were ending tomorrow, what would you do tonight?

by Vee (follow)
Doomsday (3)      The End (1)      End of World (1)     

‘Gwaenysgor churchyard, mentioned in the Doomsday Book’ by Andy Clarke. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons

There have been many times throughout history when people believed that life on earth would come to a sudden end. Some prepared for this 'end', others went about their daily lives as per usual.

If the world were ending tomorrow, what would you do tonight?

#The End
#End of World
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Top Answers
I think I'd sit on the couch and cry and hug everyone lots!
I have no idea. I probably wouldn't be sitting up on hubgarden though! I'd possibly do just what I did earlier - let the toddler have ice-cream for dinner and watch a movie.
I wouldn't be on HubGarden or watching television.
by Vee
But I can see where you are coming from. Gosh, it seems a bit bleak, to be honest. It takes me back to watching that mother put her two kids to sleep as the Titanic was sinking when I was a child...probably shouldn't have been watching that as a child! LOL.
by Vee
Go and Pray.
I really dont know! And would hate ot think.

Perhaps I would feed my dogs biscuits which I never give them, but i think i would just go to bed and cry!

Cannot think of what else you could do in just one night.

I would certainly let both my blind dog and my old senile dog sleep the whole night even UNDER the covers of my bed instead of on their dog beds.

And then I would take several valiums and give some to the dogs also....
by Finy
Spending the night with my son and his family. Anyway it's not going to happen in our generation or the next. Any moral emanating from this is make the most of your life on earth and make every day count.
by Finy
Borrow from the Bank and have a good time!
Get to my daughter's house asap.
by Rice
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