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If somebody buys you earrings and your ears are not pierced, must you get them pierced?

by Vee (follow)
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By Bukulu Steven - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org.

If somebody buys you or your daughter earrings and your or your daughter's ears are not pierced, must you get them pierced?

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You don't go get them pierced, esp if the daughter is a little child.

That is one look I hate with a passion, little children wearing earrings, yuck.

If the adult has not got pierced ears, I would give the gift back, and say''I do not have pierced ears'...but ''thank you'' anyway.
Um .. NO.

You do what is right for you and politely pass the gift on to someone who will use it :)
No, absolutely not. It's a bit of a faux pas on the part of the giver not to know your ears aren't pierced, and they certainly shouldn't expect you to get them pierced on their account. As for somebody else's ears, well if your daughter wants to get them done, that's up to her, but I would never impose that on my daughter if she didn't want it. I don't have the right.
I know someone who regifts them. I don't think someone should buy a gift like that on purpose. If its in error that's fine because one could make the assumption that a woman's ears is pierced. I think pierced earrings can be converted to clip ons.
My daughter received some beautiful earrings for her baptism, but I have no intention of having her ears pierced until she can make that decision herself. I think that little girls often experience enough pressure to look a certain way and that many adults place too much emphasis on how little girls look instead of focusing on their character. I hope my choice is not construed as ingratitude.
by Vee
I totally agree!
by jonaja
by Vee
No. Absolutely. Not. Getting babies and you g children's ears pierced is tantamount to mutilation. They are too young to understand or consent. I imagine the pain would be distressing for them. I think earrings for a baptism is a very odd choice of gift, and whilst I would be grateful, it is entirely inappropriate for a baby. As for myself, I rarely wear earrings at all , and I don't have pierced ears, so such a gift would get zero use from me. It would be entirely pointless. I would ask for the receipt so that I could return it, and get something more suitable.
if youwant to, get it done. the giver obviously doesnt know you very well, so to alter your body for someone who doesnt know you seems rediculous

NO! Just say, "Thank you so much, their lovely earrings but I don't have pieced ears"
by Miro
I should have written, "...but 'the baby, (not ME) doesn't have pieced ears"
by Miro
Goodness, no! If it was a good friend and I did not want to hurt their feelings I would probably say, "It's okay! I'll get some clips and attach them." Daughters should be left alone until such time as they might want their ears pierced. We can't just go around defiling other people's bodies.
by Rice
I wouldn't be getting my ears pierced because of the gift. I would just say they were a lovely gift and thank them very much for thinking of me (at all). Just like if they give me a vase or a cake of soap or talcum powder that I hated. Just a big thank you.
No. I think it is an abuse to pierce a child's ears. I would not get my ears pierced because someone gave me jewellery. More than likely I would work out an alternative way to wear the earrings if my ears weren't pierced.

When visiting an acupuncturist I asked if he could help me with my red eyes as he seemed to be able to help with so many ailments and afflictions. He said that there is a point in the ear lobe that relates to eyes and he believed that was where I had my ears pierced. He said he wished people who planned to have a piercing would speak to an acupuncturist first to find a preferable point.
Wow! Why isn't this common knowledge?! Thanks for sharing. :-)
by Vee
You're welcome. I have not heard this anywhere apart from my Acupuncturist telling me either.
by annfi
No ask the person who fitted them can they return them and get you something else if they are a friend they will be more than willing and happy to do so.
I really do not think that anyone would give a gift of earrings without first checking whether that person has pieced ears or not,
Well, it happened to our daughter. So there you go. LOL.
by Vee
I think that is a personal choice,if the person know's you well enough then they should know you don;t have your ears pierced.
I wouldn't unless I wanted to. A gift shouldn't oblige anyone to do anything.
why on earth would you! silly present
by Finy
No, I don't think so.
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