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If a friend insulted you when drunk, would you let it slide?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Behaviour (31)      Manners (26)      Insults (1)     

Wikipedia Commons (http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kykolnik/post91424060)
Wikipedia Commons Source http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kykolnik/post91424060

We were at dinner and a friend made an insulting comment about me within earshot. I know she was drunk but I'm still fairly irked by it. Do I raise it with her, or take the higher ground and let it slide because I know it was just because she was drunk?

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That's a tough one. I would probably let it slide, but it would definitely affect my friendship with that person.
No, I would approach them the next day and talk about it straight away, followed by problem-solving the issue, rather than sit on it and sulk for the remainder of time. It's important to communicate effectively to establish a well-rounded relationship, or it will all fall apart very quickly.
I am a great believer if it is worth getting upset over, and worth dwelling on, it is worth having a respectful discussion with your friend. After all she is your friend, and true friends whether drunk or not don't want to cause their friends hurt. She may not have meant the comment in the way you took it, there are heaps of scenarios, think it is always worth talking about it. Trust which exists in true friendships are built on honesty, respect and facing the tougher issues together.
I'm not quite sure about this one as I do not drink and most of my friends drink in moderation and do not get drunk any more anyway!

I think I would however, feel hurt, as I believe the truth comes out when you are drunk, and have "let down your guard"
by Finy
I definitely agree with this. I have been know to slip and tell some "home truths" after a few drinks!
by marsh
Finy, the dog in this photograph needs to be told to "get a singlet" !
by fran.
No. But it's not worth starting a punch up. That's how people get seriously injured.
I would ask in a around about way, not to get her upset....but just for your peace of mind.

It is hard to know what to do, but sometimes when people really say something that is quite hurtful(drunk or not) we need to know.
Having said all that,if you feel it 'could' backfire...leave well alone, if you really love her as your friend.

You are really the only one who can answer this correctly.

Add up your friendship, is it long term?
Has she ever done anything like this before?...and is she normally a nice person.A great friend?...or...is she, a friend but not a very close one.Work it out in your head, and don't say anything too quickly.
Never rush into anything, before you have worked out the basics yourself.
If she is a close friend, I would ask her about it - in a non-confrontational way though, to prevent her from becoming defensive.
by Vee
I tend to agree.. if it has affected you and it will eat at you better to get to off your chest. Your Friend must also feel something as she has raised it whilst drunk. Better to clear the air in a friendly manner for both sides to feel comfortable again.
by brigi
by Vee
by Vee
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