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How would you feel if someone told you that you had only got your new job as a symbolic gesture?

by VerityG (follow)
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The Church of England has just appointed its first woman bishop and several people have dismissed this appointment as a "symbolic gesture".
How would you feel if someone told you that you had only got your new job as a symbolic gesture? Do you think that this would ever be said about a man?

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I got the work I do, same as her in Ministry as
I guess you could say (a symbolic gesture?).
Working in (Mens max security jails).

For the work in the Ministry, it is OK.
Women have to get in somehow, to that ALL MALE domaine....It is ok.

To me:''Symbolic gesture'' is more than the only way in.
At least ..........we have that!
Pride can stop great things, and sometimes to get that foot in the door....we have to bite that lip, which is about to say something.

Once in, well (I say keep the door slightly ajar, and just watch what happens)!!

It also has been done for men, and even though we don't hear too much, men have been able to enter child care, nursing, modelling..
The most important part is:Getting them in.
Oh no, more biting your lip!
Good point Jonaj. Be the symbolic gesture then make it possible for others to follow not as a gesture but as a right.
You know....it's honestly any wonder I have any lips left!!!....lol.
by jonaja
I find it upsetting that in this day and age firstly we still have any jobs that are considered "only for men" and secondly that people still say this sort of thing.
I don't think her appointment is a symbolic gesture, the law has been changed so that women can become bishops and she just happens to be the first woman to be appointed following the law change. Why does anyone have to make it any more complicated than that? There always has to be a first in any field.... it's not a gesture, just a fact. Get over it already!
I'd think they were pretty silly!

I can think of a number of symbolic jobs filled by men. Our prime minister is a prime example!
yes, that's correct.
by fran.
It depends on who was saying this to me. If it is any random person then I'd just ignore that comment, however if the person that gave me the job is the one to say it them I'd be pretty insulted.
In this case, it is commentators in the media, giving their opinions on her appointment. Some of them are people whose opinions might be thought to matter....
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