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How tolerant a person are you?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you a tolerant person?

How tolerant are you?

#Easy going
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I am not overly tolerant, if I am perfectly honest.

I find a lot of people annoy me so I assume I am therefore not over tolerant!

This could have something to do with being alone however, as I was not quite like this when I had a partner -now I just please myself and enjoy being alone.
by Finy
I'm pretty tolerant, but some people challenge me a lot.
by Vee
I am tolerant in some matters and not with others. It depends really!
Generally speaking I don't think I am an overly tolerant person but once again..to echo other answers..it depends on the situation
by Fran
It depends on the situation how much I will tolerate
by AJ
Generally,I am a very tolerant person,and I am consistently so in all manner of things! I believe this is due to how I was raised,and I bless my parents for this lovely legacy. It takes a lot to ruffle my feathers,but when they ARE ruffled, heaven help the person responsible for this happening!!! I am only human after all,so I am allowed to have some 'off' moments.Fortunately I do not tend to have many of them!!

I'm becoming less tolerant as I get older but still think I am a reasonably tolerant person. Really depends how my tolerance is being tested!
I am certainly not very tolerant when It comes on a lot of things.
The older I get the more tolerant I get. Tolerance makes the world a kinder place!
Usually I am a very tolerant person. I always have been. However, I find it hard to be tolerant about intolerant people !!
I'm a bit that way Marie. I visited an elderly person in an Aged Care facility lately and I couldn't believe the sarcastic answers and comments made to elderly dementia patients from the nursing or nursing assistants in that place. Tolerance didn't seem to feature at all therein, and I felt myself becoming very intolerant or their attitude.
by fran.
Reasonably tolerant, I think
Not really,
but do accept others have different ways and attitudes, most are self centred though, few are pleasant or will say good morning back when greeted.
Sad society especially the new breed of youngsters
If a person is rude I will say something, if someone pushes their way in line I will inform them where the end of the line is.I will also inform parents with screaming pinkalicious children that I do not have to listen to their offspring and tell the child to stop. If parents are to ignorant to say something I will.
I can be very tolerant in certain situations- caring for my Grandmother with dementia, stuck in traffic, helping someone who cannot help them self, things that are beyond control. I am not tolerant about other things - rudeness , people invading my privacy or space,bullies, loud noises or noisy people, cigarette smoke, litter, inconsiderate behaviour...lots of things really
I guess I have been over tolerant all my life.

Then about 6 years ago, the change came....I wast told not to let people walk all over me, and it was a wake up call.

I thought it was part of life to put up, and shut up!
Came at a big price, but now at 63...well with some courage, I say what I have too.
(I hate doing it- because old habits died hard, it's the lesser of the two - and helps me stay strong).

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