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How to protect yourself when walking alone?

by Pauline (follow)
Wellbeing (113)      Safety (52)      Walking (12)     

how to be safe when walking alone, walking alone at night,
Source: www.home.yahoo.com

Even though it is not advisable for women to walk alone at night or even during the day especially on deserted streets, the situation is unavoidable at times. What are the things you can do to be safe when you have to walk alone? How do you protect yourself from danger?

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My mum always says that women's handbags are the perfect weapon to hit an attacker with. My bag is always definitely bulky enough! I remember from a self defence course I did years ago that women should hold onto their keys while they walk. Put one key through the gaps between your fingers so you can defend yourself if the need arises.
I always carry a body spray in my bag. If I ever get attacked I can just spray my assailant in his eyes and run for my life. Further, I think carrying a whistle is a great idea since you can whistle to alert the neighbours. Keeping the phone handy to dial 000 is another suggestion. Also, being alert to the surroundings, walking fast and refraining from wearing high heels at night are some other recommended ways to keep safe. But the best advice I can give to any woman is: enrol in a martial arts class. I have started taking Karate lessons and the satisfaction and self-assurance I gain from my lessons is astronomical.
I carry two keys in my hand by making a first and have one key come out from the bottom and the other come out at the top by the thumb. Almost like you are holding a stick. If someone grabs you, your instinct is to grip harder on what you have in your hand, and then it is a thrust in the leg or anybody part you can make contact. Scream as loud as you can and then run as fast as you can to a public area if possible.
Be alert, and learning self defence also helps. Be physically strong also. Stay calm.
Sorry - that is fist - not first!
Agree with joya - whistle sounds like a great idea to draw attention when in danger. I've also read somewhere in an article that women with long hair should tie up their hair in bun instead of a pony tail or let it down because the assailant may easily grab from behind.
I would not walk alone in a dangerous place at night as would be too frightened, no matter what precautions I took.
by Finy
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