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How seriously do you take bird watching?

by grann (follow)
Education (92)      Leisure (38)      Birdwatching (2)      Ornithology (2)     


In the book "How to be a bad birdwatcher" the assertion is made that everyone is a bird watcher, but some make it an art form. How serious are you?

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I love birdwatching but I don't take it seriously, I don't know calls or can really tell one species from another, but I love watching them around my house or when I'm out walking or hiking.
I really admire birds. A very small creature which can fly [usually] build a nest,which is a home for their young,and find all their own food outdoors in all weathers. Humans could not do these things and yet many consider themselves superior to birds. Birds are interesting to watch because of their colours ,antics and songs
I don't take it seriously either, but I do love watching our neighbour's racing pigeons. My husband's friend is an avid bird watcher. He has binoculars and everything - I think it's adorable.
by Vee
I love spotting birds when I go to parks, but I am not a birdwatcher. Requires some patience which I seem to use quite sparingly.
We regularly visit Boondall wetlands, near Brisbane. It is the summer breeding ground for many migratory Asian shorebirds. They travel all the way from Siberia and Japan to see us, so it is fun to try and spot them. We take our binoculars and sit quietly with a picnic, and the kids learn to appreciate the stillness of being out in nature.
by Lucy
As a nature photographer specialising in birds... VERY SERIOUSLY!!!
I'm in your camp, Tracie. My husband is the more serious of the two of us, but he loves the photos I take when they help him with ID of species.
by grann
I like birds, but I wouldn't spend hours watching them.
Not serious, but I do notice them, appreciate them, and delight in their antics. My question is do birds engage in people watching and if so do they apply the same assertions?
The really serious people watchers around here are those birds who await a tasty morsel of mince from my generous neighbour.
by grann
I do not do bird watching though I used to watch them when I lived on a river.
by Finy
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