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How old is too old to live at home with your parents?

by annep (follow)
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Adjusting as an independent adult in your parents' house is not easy.

So how old is too old to still live at home with mum and dad? And if you have adult children, what do you think about your kids living at home even after they graduate?

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I never had any problem with my kids being at home. I enjoyed having them here, and as a mum, you always want to look after them and protect them. My daughter still lives at home, but she is still young. I would imagine that someone who is in their 40s should possibly think of moving out. Obviously they would be still unmarried, if they were living at home at that age. I would prefer my kids to stay at home as long as possible, and save for a house, rather than rent. It makes better financial sense to do this.
I think someone in their late 30s - 40s might be a bit old to live with their parents. Or maybe someone who is married? And I'm not kidding, I've seen people who are married with children and still living in their parents' house since they can't afford their own place. It happens.
I know what you mean, annep. Our son lived with his in laws for about a year, after they were married. They were waiting for their new house to be built. Everyone's situation is different and there is no specific age where you should be moving out of home. When you feel ready to d so, and have the funds, is the right time. Soe cultures have three or four generations living in the same house, and it works very well for all involved
by Lluxi
My 1st son ( will be 41 soon ) he moved out at 17, to a place the family had which was not rented. Thishis is 24 years ago.

Then my 2nd son ( at 17) moved in with his brother. That was 22 years ago.

Today, good luck! trying to move out of home, when rents are $500 per week, well they are here in Sydney.

My 3rd son is 25 and NO Intention of moving out?
They just can not afford it, they pay most of their wage in rent-food-water-electricity-car-petrol.
The lady across the way from me is my age, 63.
Like me she is on her own, and her 32 year old son last year moved back in with her.

Like my son, he pays rent (but lets face it, it is only for the food they eat).

Even for us Mum's, there are times that we just would love some peace and quite.

They can share, but you don't know 'who' it is your sharing with.

Of course if one lived in Tasmania, and houses are affordable....then that would be great.
But, not many live there, and not a great deal of work for the masses.
Life in Australia has changed the last 16-17 yrs.
They are even pushing people to build now in their backyards granny flats.
That is a great way to go, if one can afford it.

The time of choice is long long gone, unless he or she find a partner....work hard for 7-8 years, with NO children.

The great Aussie dream is FLYING away, sad to say.
I'm just glad I have no grandchildren . . .
by Rice
by jonaja
Exactly the reason I would love to get out of sydney.
It would depend on the family circumstances. Two of my children moved out early in their teens but the middle one stayed until she was 26. I used to joke with her that I'd pay for a removalist to take her things away, but she didn't have furniture so she knew I was joking. Then her prospective husband's pardnts had a property's that needed to be tenated so it was offered to them to move into together. She said she never realised how good she had it when she had to buy her special shampoos, etc. and it started to become expensive living away from home.
I think my answer to this is very different from what it was years ago. I used to think that anyone living with their parents well into their 20's needed to move out and gain some independence... but now with housing prices on the rise, I wouldn't be surprised if my own children end up living with me well into adulthood. It makes more sense to live with famil, as long as everyone pulls their weight and helps out with the bills and living expenses and is good about giving everyone else their own space, I see no reason not to live with extended families.

It also helps as parents age to have somebody around to help them out, helping them to live in the family home as long as possible.
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