My 1st son ( will be 41 soon ) he moved out at 17, to a place the family had which was not rented. Thishis is 24 years ago.
Then my 2nd son ( at 17) moved in with his brother. That was 22 years ago.
Today, good luck! trying to move out of home, when rents are $500 per week, well they are here in Sydney.
My 3rd son is 25 and NO Intention of moving out?
They just can not afford it, they pay most of their wage in rent-food-water-electricity-car-petrol.
The lady across the way from me is my age, 63.
Like me she is on her own, and her 32 year old son last year moved back in with her.
Like my son, he pays rent (but lets face it, it is only for the food they eat).
Even for us Mum's, there are times that we just would love some peace and quite.
They can share, but you don't know 'who' it is your sharing with.
Of course if one lived in Tasmania, and houses are affordable....then that would be great.
But, not many live there, and not a great deal of work for the masses.
Life in Australia has changed the last 16-17 yrs.
They are even pushing people to build now in their backyards granny flats.
That is a great way to go, if one can afford it.
The time of choice is long long gone, unless he or she find a hard for 7-8 years, with NO children.
The great Aussie dream is FLYING away, sad to say.