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How often should you service your car?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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car service, car, maintenance

Do you spend a lot of time on the road? Do you get your car serviced regularly or do you wait for something to go wrong before you take it to a garage?

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I always service my car every 3 months, I would think to wait till something go's wrong? is crazy.
You have to have the oil changed anyway every so many months, and they look at all the other things, like points..spark plugs...tyres...ect etc.

I am not really on the road too much, but you have to look after the car.
For a routine service, usually twice a year is fine. It may depend on the make of your car; how long you've owned it for, and how many kms are driven to date.
I don't think there is much point in spending money on getting your car serviced unless you know it is needed. Get i checked out on its yearly MOT and it should be fine. If you are someone who gets a lot of road miles, perhaps it will need more, but for the average user, once a year should be enough.
Luckily, you must have good roads in the UK!

Living in Australia, my car gets an 'overhaul' every six months', & more, IF a problem occurs...............
by donjo
I usually get my car serviced every 4-5 months or before a major road trip. For peace of mind I have also recently taken out an extended membership with NRMA in case I ever break down in another town or state.
It's sort of 2 -3 times a year, depending on the mileage/dates. I just do it when they say...
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