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How often do your see your parents and siblings?

by Finy (follow)
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How often do you visit your parents and your siblings?

#See parents
#See siblings
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I no longer have parents but when I did I only saw them about twice a year as we lived on opposite ends of Australia.

I have a brother in Sydney and I also used to see him regularly however I have now not been on a holiday (my choice) for about 3 years so have not seen him for that long.
by Finy
I don't have my parents npw and only had one brother who has passed on also.
I only had one son who now I don't see, he has gone his wife's family's way as she comes from a large family.
I have one granddaughter who I had often up to the age of 11 but now I don't see much as they grow up and going to Nanna.s becomes a bit boring I am sure!
My friends are my family it seems...have plenty of those

by Fran
We all live a great distance from each other,and I am too ill to travel much at all.So though we do not see each other often,we definitely speak on the phone regularly! We are VERY close indeed!!!
Not often enough! When we lived abroad, my parents came over to see us for a three week stay twice a year. We would go back home twice or three times a year but didn't always see them on every visit, as there were so many people who thought we should be visiting them! My brother, well, I only seem to have seen him at funerals recently :( I'm trying to fix up a time for us to visit but his wife often has to travel for work at short notice, so they are not very good at long term planning!
At the moment I live in the same town as my parents and siblings and my parents watch my kids once or twice a week. I probably see them 3 times per week. I would say that I see my siblings at least once per fortnight - often we all end up at my parents place at the same time.
My parents are long long gone.

My only brother I saw 3 years ago, but before that it was about 10-12 yrs I had not seen him.
He is in another State.

There are issues, time, and distance....so it works well for me.
Not often enough unfortunately. I live too far away. I see them once to twice a year. But I am in regular contact with my parents and siblings
by AJ
I usually see them several times per year and definitely at Christmas.
by Gia
Nearly everyday
Every chance I get!
I visit my mother every Saturday morning unless I'm out of Melbourne. My husband's mother lives in Adelaide and he spends a week with her every two months on average. (Both our fathers have passed away.) We see my brothers at family birthday dinners and Christmas at very least, sometimes more.
My sister lives in Sydney but I haven't seen her in over a year as I can't afford the flight tix and she's not really able to fly down to visit me due to work and other commitments.
I haven't seen my parents in two years as they live overseas (or rather, I live overseas), but they're coming to visit me in less than three weeks and the excitement is increasing as each day passes! :D
No parents and now no siblings since they disputed my father's will. So now I'm an orphan in real terms.
Not as often as I would like to considering they live just a few streets away. I see them maybe twice a week as both my parents work and my little sister is still in school.
My parents are deceased.
My siblings live overseas, one in Seattle and one in Edinburgh. I also had a brother who lived in London but he is now deceased.
I see my sister in Seattle every 12/18 months or so when I visit. She is visiting me in Brisbane next week for a month so am looking forward to that.
I don't visit the UK so frequently but I think that is often the way with siblings - sisters are usually closer than brothers unless they are the only siblings.
My fathers passed away in '77, & my brother passed away in My mother & I used to go to the Belvoir theatre in Sydney about 8 times a year for about 16 years, (with a subscription) & I'd stay the week-end with her. Then when the dementia started she moved in with 1 of my sisters, so I didn't see her as often then. After a fall on Christmas Day, she's been moved to a nursing home, in the next suburb to my sister, I go & visit her once a week now, & for her birthday picnics in November, but I didn't get to our Mother's Day lunch with her this year, because of the bad weather. My sister makes sure there's someone visiting her every day if possible in the nursing home. I see my 2 sisters at art openings, & we keep in touch by email. We usually spend Christmas in Melbourne with our youngest daughter, but we may have an earlier Christmas in Sydney with all the family.
by Miro
I've just re-read this! My brother passed away in 2012. We usually have an earlier Christmas on the same day as celebrating our mother's birthday at the end of November. Our youngest daughter even flies up from Melbourne for that. We don't bother doing presents which is great. Who needs them, really?!
by Miro
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