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How often do you work out in a week?

by Xarah (follow)
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There are some who enjoy going to the gym a couple of days per week, while others make it a daily affair, and part of their morning routine.

How often do you work out in a week, typically? What sort of workouts do you enjoy?

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Rarely. I intend to about twice a week...but something always comes up!
I don't work out, never have.

I do a lot of gardening, washing, cleaning, volunteering, and that keeps me kind of o.k. I think.

The mere word ''workout'' makes me want to go and hide.
Very scary!
I walk every day and no longer work out.

I did that for 5 years and got sick of it in the end -did not like getting up at 6 am and so many people at the gym!

Now i walk the dogs instead.......and enjoy that more.
by Finy
I walk every day and no longer work out.

I did that for 5 years and got sick of it in the end -did not like getting up at 6 am and so many people at the gym!

Now i walk the dogs instead.......and enjoy that more.
by Finy
I work out several times a week. It depends but I try and get four times and walks every single day.
I work out at the gym doing cardio, weights and a class, twice a week. I also do yoga at home and go for a hike once a week. So around 3-4 times typically.
Try to jog 3 morning in week an go down coast on weekends for a surf so high cardio
I did workout in the past but got a bit bored with it. Instead I now walk 6-10 kms every day and enjoy that. I give myself a day off on Sunday and in a week usually walk about 50 kms. Since becoming a widow I find that my walking time is very therapeutic as I do a lot of thinking and working things out in my head during my walks.
4 to 5 times. With my sweet tooth I have no choice! :)
I go to zumba once a week, and I go to belly dancing classes once a week, and apart from that I'm on my feet non stop at work.
I would love to work out but shocking arthritis and knee replacements stop me. I will be going swimming for the first time next week just to tread water if thats a workout.
Years ago I used to do two aerobic workouts per day . . . . now I can barely hobble to the kitchen when I get out of bed. No, I don't work out - I might break something. . . me!
by Rice
I never work out as such, I just go walking for 3k's around were I live, most days but not week-ends if my friend is also coming for a walk. I don't walk on my own anymore, as I've misplaced my iPod charger, as I'd always used that, while walking on my own.
by Miro
Zilch! I used to walk every morning years ago but life got in the way.
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