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How often do you shop for fresh food?

by Vanessa M (follow)
Food (698)      Shopping (184)     
The fresher the food, the better it usually is for us. But how often do we need to go and shop for it? Buying a stack of fresh fruit and veggies during the weekly shop doesn't always work, as by the end of the week (or two, depending on how often you go shopping), much of it has probably gone bad, and at the very least, it can hardly be called fresh anymore.

So how often do you need to go shop for fresh food to make it worthwhile? Do you top up mid-week, or buy unripe fruit and wait till it's ready to eat? Or perhaps it's actually better to buy some things frozen, as the process of freezing can often preserve the nutrients pretty well.

I'd love to hear your thoughts below.

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My village has a lovely market on a Friday and Saturday so I tend to pick up my fresh fruit and vegetables then. I also pop out from the office at lunchtime mid week to top up on a few extra pieces.

Buying frozen fruit and vegetables also works too and I'm never without some peas as an emergency backup if we're running low of fresh veg.
We love to support the weekly local farmers market and grow our own organic vegetables (much cheaper and tons of fun) - just the occasional trip to a supermarket (which I try my best to avoid!).
by Lucy
I tend to shop once a week and occasionally I may make an extra trip for break, milk and fruit. In winter the produce keeps fresh longer, whereas in summer I usually put everything in the fridge.
About once a week and then whenever I'm at the shops I stock up on some things that I realise we need.
by WSW
We do our main shop every fortnight, and then top up on the essentials as an when needed. A lot of the fresh vegetables we buy are for my guinea pigs, so get used everyday, and our tomatoes get finished quickly too because my dad has them in his sandwiches for work. Otherwise we tend to buy frozen veg.

We always buy a lot of fresh fruit, but tend to stick with the stuff that will last longer - apples, oranges, pineapple - as opposed to soft plums and peaches which go off in no time. We also buy loads of bananas, but get them while they are still a bit green.

I hate wasting food, so even when our fresh food is past its use by date, I'll still chance it.
I usually buy large amounts of vegetables which will last for 1-2 weeks, but fruit I'll buy a couple of times during the week. I find fruit tends to go off quicker. So I'll buy enough for a few days and then restock when it gets low. It's easier because I just have to feed myself.
In the Summer I tend to have to get fresh stuff a couple of times a week as it seems to go off a little quicker. Plus, we seem to get through our salad items really quickly, so need to top them up during the week.
Also, I now do a few things to try to keep things fresher for longer. Things like putting my grapes in tupperware in the fridge, separating my bananas, putting ripe avocados in the fridge rather than leaving them out. Things like this seem to make them last a little bit longer.
Once a week, but sometimes it's more like once every 10 days. But really just whenever the fruit and veg run out.
Every weekend my whole family gathers with trolleys in front of the local market for hordes of fresh and cheap produce. Local markets are the best.
I buy fresh fruit and veggies every time I go shopping which is usually 2 to 4 times a week. Unfortunately, the local farmers market is more expensive here than the super market, so as much as I would rather buy local produce, I have to think about my pocketbook first.
My village has market on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and on Wednesday , so it is easy to pick fresh fruit form there .
I usually buy fresh food two to three times a week depending on what I have on the meal plan.
I shop for fresh food every weekend at the farmers market. Fresh food are a major part of our diet so most of the garbage produced at my house come from the peals of fruits and vegetables. We seldom consume processed food (apart from cheese).
3-4 times' a week. Just L O V E fresh fruit & veggies!
Fresh food well I think the fruit and vegies we get from the supermarkets aren't that fresh, I like the markets.
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