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How often do you have dessert?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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dessert, sweet, cake

How often do you treat yourself and your family to something sweet? Would you consider having dessert instead of a meal for a special occassion?

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I usually have pudding every evening after dinner, or a sweet treat if I've gone out for lunch. Pudding for me, can be anything from rice pudding, a tart, cake, or fruit salad. I have a sweet tooth, so rarely does a day go by when I don't have pudding. I usually have something savoury first though.

I Love dessert!
I just can not help myself.
We have it every second night....what can I say? if I could choose to have a meal or dessert, hands down I would choose D e SS e R t !!!!!

But who ever came up with the idea....... is very very naughty!
I indulge myself whenever I could. Having dessert instead of a meal is bad, though. Last time I had a tiramisu for lunch, I almost starved myself.
I wouldn't replace a meal with dessert, and I don't often have dessert anyway (at least, not food that's typically dessert food).
Very rarely but that is because of the absence of a sweet tooth. I usually take a fancy to sweet things.
Oops meant to writer 'i usually do not take a fancy to sweet things'.
by joya.
I don't have it as a rule, as I keep thinking how many workouts at the gym will be required to make up for a poor choice. That does not prevent me from pigging out occasionally as I have a very sweet tooth.
Usually only when we go out or we have guests over
A Dessert has to be very appealing to me to have it!
I do like all the 'old fashioned' desserts, though!
One I've a particular weakness for is 'Hot Apple Pie & Whipped Cream'. Don't know why, but it's always been a fave!

Couple of weeks' ago, was dining at a Private Club, & 'Carrot Cake with Cream' was one of the Desserts. I've never been a lover of this as I've found it always too dry, & I just HATE dry cake.
Anyhow, I decided to have it. Well, it was just THE most moist I've EVER eaten! I really enjoyed it so much, I had a second piece with Coffee! Lol!
I have a dessart every day, always been like that, i would rather have my dessert then dinner, Cornish icecream is the best and Italian of course
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