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How often do you cut your nails?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Stuart Miles - freedigitalphotos.net

Taking proper care of your body means paying attention to even smaller areas such as fingernails and toenails. Whether you go to a nail salon to have a manicure and pedicure or trim your nails at home, regular maintenance is important.

So how often do you cut your nails? How much time do you spend on this task?

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I think women are right onto this.

I'm yet to see a really nasty pair of dirty finger nails...with the girls.

Men on the other hand? I tell all my sons, please keep your nails very short, and use a nail brush to clean them.
All of them seem to take my advice.
It looks just bad, when on a job and your nails(for a guy) are a tad long and dirt is under them.
I have noticed that a lot of guys who wear 'suits to work' . have great finger nails.Very short, well trimmed and Clean.
I have a pet hate, for long dirty finger nails on female or male.

As for the toe nails, once again I don't see many women with really bad toe nails.Maybe 2 in 10 at the most.
I would never go to a nail salon, my friend got a very bad toe nail infection..and I just don't think they clean the baths down well.Plus I can't stand the smell in those places....Totally poisonous :(
I have seen a lot of men with thongs on their feet, and their toe nails are really nasty to look at.One comes to mind, his toe nails were like a green colour and Looong!
I mean totally gross, so maybe the guys need to learn about nails, top and bottom.
As for the girls, they win hands down, have seen some really cute sandal's on their feet showing off...some lovely red painted toe nails.
The girls Rock!
As for me I cut - cut - cut all the time :)

My nails grow rather slow, so I cut them about once a month with a clipper at home. I think it's important that if you want to keep your nails long, you should clean under them regularly to keep the nails clean. It's rather nasty what stick to your nails after a day.
I need to cut my nails often as they grow quickly. Generally twice a week.
I seem to be always at mine with the clippers or an emery board. Gosh, we must be healthy.
by Rice
My nails tend to break, so I rarely need to cut them
I never cut my nails. I let them grow as long as possible, and when they break, they break, and I just allow them to grow again.
When they're getting long or I break one (I cut the rest back so they look even). It takes maybe a minute.
I keep mind really long so it could be months between having to cut them. Like Jennifer, I only cut them when one breaks. The rest of the time I file them to keep their shape, about once a week. It's a quick task that only takes a few minutes.

My nails tend to break all the time, so I don't really have to cut them.
Apart from my toe nails that is.
by Finy
I cut all my nails once every 3 weeks for about 15 minutes, but clean beneath them every time I wash my hands.
Very rarely. Still trying to kick my nail biting habit. Disgusting, I know.
by Vee
My nails break awkwardly so I find myself doing my nails every few days.
I've never cut my nails. I use a glass file which does a fantastic job and doesn't damage the nail. I have medium nails as I type a lot and can't stand these false square shaped nails seen on a lot of people. I was always taught your nails should be the same shape as the nail at the top of the cuticle. I also will not buy food from a person displaying exceptionally long talons as I find it hard to believe their personal hygiene is up to scratch.
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