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How often do you cook or eat fish?

by Finy (follow)
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How often do you cook and/or eat fish?

#Cook fish
#Eat fish
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Probably only once every 3 or 4 weeks, if that.
I like fish, but it is not one I am able to cook well.
I just love bought fish and chips however limit myself, due to them being so unhealthy, to about once every 2 or 3 months.

I do like salmon and I cook this more often than I do white fish.

I rarely eat fish out, as I find baked or grilled fish, while it is healthy, is a bit boring compared to other things on menus!
by Finy
I don't cook fish. I don't like fish and I might eat it twice or three times a year, I suppose.
by Rice
Well, at least you cannot accuse me of stealing your answer here!!!
by Finy
Hurrah . . !!! LOL LOL
by Rice
I cook fish maybe twice a year, I make sure it comes from Tasmania..I buy Salmon, and a lot and we have it for Christmas.
Because of the cost, it really is too expensive.

We don't eat any other kind of fish, as we really are not sure 100% where it came from.

Sadly Fish is very expensive....during the year we eat cold Salmon, in the pkt's also from Tasmania.

Usually only once a week.
At least once a week. I like variety. I like it fried for the most part.
We mostly have salmon fillets on Wednesdays, & tin tuna recipes on Sundays.
by Miro
I don't eat fish very often, It's not that I don't like it, I tend to forget that's all, I do it eat it on good friday tho, I like it cooked in batter, with tartare sauce.
At least weekly, we love it.
At least once a week. I love salmon but like barramundi, snapper or bream if it is freshly caught.
I love fish. We probably have it at least twice a week
by AJ
At least once a week. Salmon and white fish is always on the menu and I often have a smoked salmon, avacardo, mayonnaise and thinly sliced Spanish onion on brown bread for lunch.
rarely because I have toddlers and I'd hate for one of them to get a bone that had been missed.
I love fish and we used to eat it weekly or fortnightly prior to the children
I eat fish virtually everyday - at minimum 4 times a week. Salmon is my staple however, I also eat lots of tuna (preferably fresh but as a last resort tinned if the cupboard is bare), calamari, ling, barramundi, basa and mussels (although I guess mussels aren't technically fish). I tend to BBQ fish or steam and add lots of veggies and herbs to flavour.
At least once a week. We like fish - salmon in particular. If it's not salmon, I'll make something using tuna or prawns.
by Vee
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