I have a voice saying "You've got mail" and I have it turned up quite loud and can hear it from most rooms, so I would have to say I check my emails every 30 minutes to one hour, or so!
Sometimes more often if Heat that I have mail!
I have a voice saying "You've got mail" and I have it turned up quite loud and can hear it from most rooms, so I would have to say I check my emails every 30 minutes to one hour, or so!
Sometimes more often if Heat that I have mail!
I have my emails forwarded to my phone so that as soon as one drops in I can check it out. As a business woman it comes in very handy. Having said that if I am occupied with something else I am happy to ignore until I have the time to attend to it.
I check my IPad every day especially to see any from friends,clear things I don't want.And also to play Luminosty brain game,and any other games I
I have from Candy Crushstill trying to beat it to card games.Keep my brain
working also my Patients