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How often do you check facebook?

by helenonthesofa (follow)
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Facebook is one of the most popular social media pages at the moment, and for many is a way of interacting with our friends, catching up on news and sharing photos and updates with those in our lives. If you use Facebook, how often do you check for updates?

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Believe it or not, I gave up facebook about two years ago, and haven't looked back since.
Yeah - good question. I check it in the evenings after work and sometimes before work if I have some time.
I check for updates at least once a day, usually more. I post most of my articles to fb, so I go on there for that a lot of the time anyway.
Probably twice a day. A few groups I belong to organize events via Facebook so I check for updates regularly. I'm also a follower of a few pages that share news, information and find reading this info useful.
4 to 5 times in a day
Everyday, unashamedly.
Last month I abandoned mine....never to return.
I guess for a lot of reasons really.It just made me feel 'humm?'' when I would get on.I saw little 'cliques' that made me feel left out, so I just now leave well alone.
It's good for a lot of people, but I'm fine without really.I also got feed up of hearing people post ''I just washed my hair''!!! and a pic to follow.
Is this where I want to be?, I had to ask myself...Like 'good for you!'' on washing your hair?*#!?*!!* ummm what do you say to that.I know what I would have liked to say lol.............''Get a life''!
I do agree my newsfeed has gotten a bit clogged up like that.
Hardly ever. I don't like it - too addictive. Only like it for business use - for people liking my books and articles etc.
Sorry about the two answers - my computer just did it again...
I don't think it is our Computers?

It happens all the time, we all just about have posted two answers, and some times the one we did post....doesn't go through.I think it is Angel Answers :(
by jonaja
Hardly ever. I don't like it - too addictive. Only like it for business use - for people liking my books and articles etc.
Too often. It's a social addiction that I am trying to quit.
However, with uni, it is tough to not be a part of the Facebook networking world!
Several times a day ... I thoroughly enjoy the banter that goes on between friends. It also allows me to easily keep in touch with family and friends who live overseas. I also use it for work, so some days I may spend up to an hour on it.
I must admit too much. It is very additive. I am doing to stop checking FB so much and get a life. I do not play games just catch up with friends.
It has been about three years since I deleted my Facebook account.
by Vee
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