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How often do you change your pillow slips?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: metaphorstudio.com

Do you change your pillow slips more often than you change your bed sheets?

How often would you change them?

#Pillow slips
#Change pillow slips
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I usually change them once a week, however sometimes I forget and then it is two weekly when I have the house clean.

They do not really get dirty but I love the smell of the "dried in the sun" clean pillow slips so do generally do it every week.

Unfortunately however this smell does not last long!
by Finy
Every week,at least!!! If I have been doing mucking in the garden type of stuff,and feel grotty even after a good scrub in the shower,I will change the bed linen even more than once a week. There is nothing as gorgeous as fresh sheets and pillow cases dried in the breeze and sunshine!!
I don't change bed linen at all - I leave it to my cleaner as it can be too tiring for me. So pillow slips and sheets get changed at the same time, once a week. I don't see why you would do one more often than the other - bodies are as stinky as heads, I think!
I change them at the same time as changing bed sheets, usually once every two weeks.
I change them when I change my sheets - but I'm thinking now that it's probably a good idea to change my pillows more often than I change the sheets
by AJ
I do it when I see it needs to be done. Once every three weeks, will be more now that the weather is heating up though.
by Vee
Live alone but have two sets of pillows on the bed so I alternate for two weeks and then change both..
by fran
Once a week.
Summertime I change the sheets twice a week but the pillowcases I tend to change more often. If the weather is very, very hot then I change the pillowcases every day because they (and the sheets) dry so quickly that it is not a problem.
I never dry the pillow cases in the drier - I think that they need the sunlight and the fresh air and anyways my husband's pillowcase looks like he has been fighting with it every morning. I hate that "slept in" crumpled look of his pillowcase. If the p/cases are nice and fresh and ironed your face is right next to them and it is a lovely, calming smell.
Pillow slips, daily. Sheets, thrice weekly.
It's called being 'sweaty', especially head. It's called high humidity, especially this time of year. Yuck!
Can't stand the stink!

Pillow slips are Elna-pressed with spray starch. Sheets are neatly folded so they look good on bed.
pillow slips usually twice weekly, our heads are on them , and we breathe in whatever in on them , so I like to wash them more often.
Once a week, when I change the sheets. I have to write it on my laptop calendar when I change them, & I don't change them, if I"m going out somewhere, I'll leave it until the next day we stay home.
by Miro
Once a week, when I change the sheets. I have to write it on my laptop calendar when I change them, & I don't change them, if I"m going out somewhere, I'll leave it until the next day we stay home.
by Miro
In Summer I change them at least once a week , always with the sheets. If I have been sweaty I will wash sheets and pillowcase more frequently.
In winter we use flanalette sheets. To keep them fluffy and not wash the life out of them, they are changed every two weeks. If someone is sick
I wash the bedding more frequently to avoid spreading germs and to create a pleasant environment . I am lucky to have a sunny bedroom in winter and I like to fold my bed open and let the sun shine onto it to help sanitise it. I like to air all my pillows in the sun for a couple of hours a few times a week as well. I feel they are clean, and they smell fresh.
I change my sons twice a week,same with his sheets...Just like him to have a nice bed.

With mine, once a week.
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