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How often do you buy new shoes?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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shoes, shopping, shoe shopping

Do you buy new shoes only when you need them or do you buy shoes just because they are on sale?

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Only when I need them.

I have been very blessed, I go to our local op shop, and there is Always! a pair of ''brand-new'' shoes, in the brand I like(Diana Ferrari)....which if I bought at a department store, would be over $100.
I only go, when it is really needed....and has never failed me in years.
Someone is looking after me :)
Whenever my old ones fall apart.
I am fond of collecting shoes. I just get it during the sale.
Only when I need them. I have broad feet so can't wear a lot of the fashion shoes, so spending time searching for something that fits and is comfortable isn't a task I relish. I don't bother with the sales at all for shows because I have found that the shoes for sale are often for a thinner foot.
Only when I need them. For summer I usually buy new slippers, but I have a few boots for winter which have lasted me a couple of years.
Whenever I need them but always in the sales now. I only wear expensive shoes because I have a very difficult foot to fit.
Oh no, I buy shoes very often. I'm not sure why, but I tend to buy cheap ones but have a lot of them for variety, rather than buying more expensive ones that last longer.
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