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How much time do you spend watching TV everyday?

by annep (follow)
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While watching TV is a cheap way to entertain yourself, spending too much time in front of the screen might turn you into a couch potato.

So how much time a day do you spend watching TV? Do you watch TV alone or with your family?

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Not much, I only turn on the TV when it's time for my favourite movie. I guess there are just more attraction elsewhere.
We just got rid of our T.V.
Gave to a guy who had a little one, so he loves our old one now.

We want to buy a big flat screen.50 inch.

3 months later, no T.V....but! plenty of time on the puter :)
I guess when we get one, maybe we will watch about 3 hours a day.
We took the TV out, so I would zero hours. However, we do watch videos - and we do that over the weekend.
Usually about 1-2 hours in the evening.
I only turn it on for shows I like to watch, my other half loves to channel flick, does my head in :-)
Zero. I have no TV at home, otherwise I wouldn't get any work done etc
I mostly just watch tv shows on dvd rather than tv as such. About an hour a day, sometimes less, rarely more.
I watch and hour a week all in one go, otherwise I don't bother with it. Too much else to do!
Almost never. I find most television shows completely inane, although I must admit I enjoy Downton Abbey and good documentaries.
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