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How much do you tip at restaurants?

by Ennvy.c (follow)
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Every now and then we like to dine out at restaurants. We are often greeted by friendly wait staff that bring out our meals and attend to our question and needs. Tipping, although not mandatory in Australia, is a customary practice. How much do you tip at a restaurant?

Photo: Jeff Kubina - Wikimedia Commons

Will the amount depend on the quality of service, location or menu price?

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While I was a student, I had various part time and summer jobs as a waitress. Tips are always gladly accepted! In the UK, I usually tip around 10% of the bill and in the USA 15-20%. However, if I've received poor service I would definitely not tip. On holidays to Australia, I would just round up the bill as it wasn't customary to tip and the bills are higher too, probably reflecting a higher salary for wait staff.
Truthfully speaking, I do not usually tip. However, I have tipped occasionally when the food and service exceeded expectation. I guess it is not our culture to tip in Australia. Besides, our pay rates are quite good so wait staff do not have to rely on tips for their living as is the case in America.
When I do tip, my preferred amount ranges from $5-$10.
I don't tip particulalry often in Australia, and that is because I choose to tip based on the level of service that I recieve. I eat out regularly, but I am generally unimpressed by the level of service, or I'm eating out at a place where I go up to order myself, go up to pay myself etc, so do not see the point tipping. Also Australia does have a good minimum wage so the 'tip jar' is not where most staff get their wage from. In the US I was a regular tipper, around 15% as tips form a large part of their salary. Additionally, I have probably recieved the best service from wait staff in the US.
Depends on how great the service was. The staff needed to have gone above and beyond.
Erm, as a waitress in Australia, I don't think tipping is rude. I love getting tips- I consider it extra, unexpected money so can use it for things that I want but don't need. Going to see a movie, eating out: stuff that as a uni student, doesn't really make it into my budget.

It's also worth addressing the common misconception that waiters are paid a lot in Aus. The place I work at now pays minimum wage: $18 an hour. I consider that pretty good money. However I have worked at places and been paid, $15 and even $12/hour (full wage, as an over 21 yr old). Don't get me wrong, this is illegal, but it happens at a lot of places, especially in the city. When I complained about the illegal wage in the $12 place there were suddenly no more shifts available. When I called FWA they couldn't help me because the restaurant wasn't giving payslips, and I had no proof.

I'm not saying that you should tip if the service is poor, and tbh, often a customer that comes up to me and thanks me is as lovely as a tip... But an extra $10-$20 over the course of an 8 hour shift can make a big difference to a pay packet at the end of the week.
I've never given a tip, but most of time, I am not the one paying for a meal when we go out. My dad is very generous with tips, sometimes giving up to £10, even if there is a service charge already added.
I agree with Joya. I don't tip at restaurants except for rounding up when I'm paying cash. I know many people that do tip. There have been times when I have added on a tip when paying with card, but they have never actually taken the tip. I eat out a lot in Adelaide and I just don't get the impression that tipping is expected.
I always tip if the service is really good (sadly it often isn't in Australia). We may have a decent minimum wage but it's still minimum wage and while I won't miss a few dollars from my purse, it might make difference to a waiter/waitress.
When I go out with friends we usually tip but it depends on the total of the bill so it would make it easier for us to split the costs.
New Zealand and Australia don't usually tip. However, in the rest of the world is required to give a 10% or 15% tip. This is mostly because the wage system in other countries vary from New Zealand and Australia, and staff make their money for giving great service!
You dont.. in Oz.. unless you want to annoy or humiliate the staff.. its impolite to tip especially Aussies staff
by star
I'm a mixed tipper. In Canada tipping is expected, although that is changing to a degree. When I lived in a city, when I went to a restaurant, I knew I was dealing with an employee instead of the owner, so I would certainly tip, usually between 10 and 20 percent. Now that I live in the country, I am often being served by the restaurant owner or a relative of the owner. I know that they are making good money off my order, so I will either not bother tipping or I will only tip 10 percent.
In Australia we don't generally tip unless the service is above and beyond, that being said you get what you pay for and not tipping doesn't motivate the wait staff to give excellent service.
10% then round up
how much is the wrong starting point, when is the object ,if a person makes an
effort to make you feel welcome and is attentetive in the role as a host, this should be rewarded
Bert Neutgens
My hubby is American and so used to having to tip. If I get particularly good service here in Australia, I will tip, but otherwise I don't. I usually just round the amount off to the nearest $10.
rounding off it still tipping you know
by filli
I usually tip 15-20 percent when dining in, and around 7-10 percent when taking out. If the service was poor I tip 5 percent as tips are often split with the kitchen, and I don't want the kitchen staff to completely miss out because the server didn't do their job. If both the meal and the service were poor, I don't tip and I never return.
Depends on what the service is like
tipping is to top up low wages and in response to great service. in australia service workers don't have low wages and the service is terrible so 0% is approprate
I always tip if the service is great and I appreciate the wait staff tending to my requests. Having 2 daughters who had after school waitressing jobs they appreciated the extra money. Some nights one of the girls would earn more in tips than her pay so knowing how much tipping helped the girls I understand also what they had to put up with at times from patrons so great service deserves reward in my opinion. If the service is tardy or the wait staff generally disinterested - obviousl no tip. The amount of tips depends on the service but usually 10% and upwards.
If I tip, I always like to ensure the tip is going to the waiter/waitress and not the owner. I don't tip a cook or chef. I don't put money in tipping jars either. I know owners of restaurants who take the contents of the tipping jar and then divide it out evenly(?) amongst the staff. Sort of ensuring everyone gets a tip. That really does annoy me.....sort of the owner making himself look big or generous or fair or something like that.
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