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How much do children learn from observing their parents?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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parent, child, role model, learn, education
Source: Morguefile

There are so many factors that shape the lives of our children. How much do you think children learn from observing their parents, especially in their younger years? How important is it to be good role models for them as parents?

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Children learn so much from what they see of their parents behaviour. If a parent uses bad language, shouts, smokes, or has other nasty habits, then they will grow up to think that that is acceptable behaviour. Parents need to live as an example of how to behave in society; it is extremely important that they act as a good role model.

In later years, children will be influenced by friends, teachers, and factors from outside the household too, and you can't stop that, but it is important to set good foundations.
They learn so much from the world around them, it helps to shape the way they think about things and act. It is one of the most important things we can do to set a good example for our children, because they do follow and copy us. These days it is a bit different because so many children go to daycare as well, so parents aren't the only influence, which makes it important to make sure that the people working in their center will set the kind of example you want them to and share your values. Even siblings and other children play a part, as does TV or anything else your child is exposed to. It is important to bear this all in mind and make sure that your child has the kind of experiences that shape them the way you want it to.
It would be in my opinion, having three now grown men....Greatly significant.
Esp if you have all boys, the father will need to be a role model.
If all girls, the mother can be a great role model.
The parents are 'the' most watched as they are growing up, they are their center of learning.
At about 9-10 children will also follow their friends at school, so one has to have guidelines for the children,so they do not have outside influences, that cause problems in the home.
Having said that, the child must also not be discouraged in finding out 'who' they are, in this world.
Balance in all we do as parents,is the best way to bring up a child.
Where your parents failed, you correct that...where they did well you use that.
At the end of any day, your children must be given a lot of love and kindness.
Yes I agree with all the replies that children do learn a lot through observation in their early years. I think the hardest part of parenting for me was the realization that I have to reform myself before I can teach anything to my children, and I have to admit, the reformation is half-hearted. It's just too difficult. I also think that sometimes parents fall in the trap of "too many expectations" from their children. It's important, as jonaj said, to let them find who they are even if that means they walk another path that you may not have foreseen for them, with the trust that they will make the choices that they think are right, based on the way you have brought them up. Parents do need to be role models because in my observation, children almost always become their parents even if they don't want to! :)
Children learn most of their early knowledge from parents, and I dare say observing is a large portion of it.
Often, more than we realise.
by Vee
Children are influenced so much my the behaviour of their parents and therefore it's essential that we're good role models. Of course, later in life (often in our teens) we begin to search for our own identity and values (distinct from that of our parents), but still the conditioning that we receive during our early years is still very influential.
They learn it all from what they observe. I am a Counsellor and so much of what people have to work through is the conflict between what their parents said and what they actually did. In days gone by it was a parenting rule "do as I say, not what I do". The fact is that just doesn't cut it. The science proves that we learn the most about parenting in 0-3 years of age range. That's right the "pre-verbal" stage, so much of what we do in relationship to our parenting we don't understand why, we just do, and that is because we learned the lessons when we didn't have the vocabularly. Actions speak volumes, and whether you like it or not the biggest influence on your children, is you the parent. Role modelling is essential, children are highly responsive to their family environment, so we need to be mindful about the quality of that environment.
I think Napoleon said something about give me a child for its first five years.....Parents have a huge responsibility. I see both good and not so good things my adult children picked up from my husband and myself.
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