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How much cash do you carry around in your wallet?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Martin Kingsley - wikimedia commons

Even though people now can use a credit card to pay for many things, there are still some occasional cash only purchases you need to make. They might be purchases from vending machines and shops that only accept cash payment, fees from using coin-operated parking machines.

But how much cash is enough? Or do we have to walk around with a bag of coins?

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I tend to pay by Eftpos, so generally only around $20 plus some change.
Since I don't like using my card, I always pay by cash, so I keep more money on me than most people. Usually up to £200.
Cash? What's that?!
I only carry around a hundred dollars in my wallet, with nearly half of them in small value. It might seem inconvenient, but since most of the machines near my place are coin-operated, there is no helping it. Besides, it is better to have some spare cash in case you need a few dollars change.
I don't keep much cash on me...because if I did I would spend it!
So I keep about $20 in my wallet.
About $5-7 in coins.
Wow wee, I have too much money in my wallet then...although personal $800 is in it right now! Yet I love the credit cards for rewards points. I pay items on credit cards where I can for convenience, and then transfer the money over immediately. Although a bit personal, this is a good question.
$20 when I go out to buy groceries - helps with budgeting plus it's so much safer.
and it helps if you have a student ID - all the discounts you get on almost everything from food to clothes is a godsend!
by Xarah
Not much...just some loose change (coins) and nothing more than $100 dollars
Usually only $10 or $20 at the most for a snack or a drink while out, unless I am shopping at the growers markets where they don't have Eftpos. Then, I will withdraw more to spend at the markets. With Eftpos being so prevalent I don't really have the need to carry too much cash on me.
If I carried a lot I don't think I'd want to advertise the fact! But I don't. Just enough to cover emergency bus fares if something goes wrong with my bus pass, library hold fees and maybe the odd cupcake. If I'm shopping I'll usaually get out a specific amount I plan to spend.
Not a lot, but you don't know when a food outlet, for example, will have sign which says CASH ONLY PLEASE. $50 in a mix of notes and coins covers such contingencies.
I like to have some cash in my purse when I go out, even though most of my purchases are on our credit cards. I feel poor if I don't have at least $50 in my purse for emergencies. My daughters never seem to have cash on them and expect me to pay for things when we're out and about! Really annoying and I tell them to buy it themselves if they want it bad enough. Surprise, surprise! When THEY have to pay for something they suddenly don't want it! Mandy E.
Although I pay for most things by credit card, I feel uncomfortable if I don't have at least $100 in my purse.
Don't quite know why, but I MAY just need cash.
On thinking about it, it is quite ridiculous to have so much cash when I only use it if I spend less than $5, and being a hopeless spender, this does not happen often!
by Finy
None.. I am completely cashless. I only ever use plastic now.
I rarely carry cash
Generally about $20.00 , all other purchases by Eftpos.
I feel that is easier and safer as than cash.
by Zen
Between $20 - $50 on a good day
$70 just enough for the week
Nowadays, about $20, for the shops which charge a fee to EFTPOS under $10.
Yes, 'Wendy's' I'm talking about you!

I don't know how they can do that, because eftpos IS cash!
Usually around $1,000. All in hundred dollar bills. If I run into a great deal, I can jump on it. However, it is also a psychological way of reminding myself that I trust myself with money and that I always have money. More than I need. It's a mindset that I have developed since going on disability. I live better than most people making five times what I live on and I am proud of myself for being self-sufficient. I am also putting my son through college. Go me!!!!
Side note: It is also harder to make yourself break a hundred dollar bill for something frivolous than smaller bills. Plus, you think about it more like real money when it is cash than just whipping out a credit card. It makes you really think, "Is this a want or a need."
by Polly
normally 10-20 bucks.
I pay for most things with my debit card. However, I always have some cash on me for small purchases such as a cappuccino. I like to have $20 or a bit more in cash in my purse.
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