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How many times have you moved house?

by slang (follow)
Graphic designer branching out into copywriting
Moving (7)     


Life can take us down many paths, and along the way we may have to relocate for many reasons; for work, to be closer to family, to seek greener pastures...

How many times have you moved home? Has it always been a stressful process?

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15 moves so far. The most memorable being the long flight from England to Australia. We were upgraded to first class due to our seats being double booked - the plane had a spiral staircase and were the only ones upstairs. I spent the entire flight being very aware that if the plane fell out of the sky, we would have further to fall...
Your thoughts about 'falling' are both irrational, & stupid.

You were upgraded to First Class, for a long-haul sector, & you were the ONLY persons' in Upper Deck, & that's all you could think about?

What a waste, on many differing levels!
by donjo
So many times I stopped counting. Seriously - can't remember anymore! :( Stressful - always! :(
I have moved a total of four time - two of which I can't remember because I was too little. The other two times, I moved on my own and with my husband. The first of these moves was an incredibly stressful process because it was under unfortunate circumstances, but the second time was quite exciting.
by Vee
by Vee
If I was to take a correct count, it is well over 2 dozen!
Over 60 years.
Biggest one, was coming to Australia, from England.

That was the best one.The weather is far far better, and life in general.
10 moves. Twice with my paternal grandparents, twice with my maternal grandparents, twice with my parents and four times on my own. Definitely stressful but it keeps life exciting as you're constantly literally moving in and out of comfort zones and neighbourhoods.
Too many (at least six times in the past decade) and yes, it's always stressful. I hope to be in our current location for many years.
Too many (at least six times in the past decade) and yes, it's always stressful. I hope to be in our current location for many years.
Seven or eight times totally, but most of them happened within two years' time. I moved house once with my parents when I was a kid. The most memorable one was the last one when I switched countries. This happened 3 years ago, and I am still adapting.
More than 10 times for sure.
I've never moved house.
At least a dozen times. My wife and have been together for over ten years and I think we've moved ten times.
I counted this up just the other day -- I have lived in 23 houses so far. My moves have slowed down since I've stopped renting, but I've lived in this house for 5 months and I'm already looking on the internet at other houses available. I love this house. Maybe moving houses to me is what getting tattoos is to other people.
from Sydney-Perth Nedlands-Ardross Ardross-North Lake North Lake-Melville Melville-Bull Creek Loving allm of them but life changes so much
now in Retirement Village and loving this as now on own and have so much
interests here as well outside and living so much cheaper so doing lots more
Way too many. At one time I realised that every time I rid a yard of bindis, the owners would sell! So now I keep a patch of bindis till I'm ready to go.
Always stressful, but it helps keep my priorities in check at all times.

I've moved a total of 8 times in the past 4 years due to leases ending, horrible housemates, relocation due to uni, etc.
Probably about 7 times in my childhood and the same as an adult. Although the last twenty years have been in the same place. Some moves have been positive, although the ones that I remember have always been stressful. They say moving house it one of life's most stressful events. I always find this surprising
Way too many! The last three years I've lived at the same place, but that's the longest I've lived anywhere since becoming an adult. I used to rent and share in my 20s so moved around quite a bit as the lease ran out. Got too much stuff to do that now, so would be happy to settle in one place for quite a while.
Too many times. In 2012 I moved house four times in two different cities.

Melbourne = City to Port Melbourne

Sydney = Port Melbourne to Rozelle to Kingsgrove to Narwee

Twice only.
First time easy. Didn't own much.
Second time, absolutely horrendous for many reasons'. That was nearly two years' ago, & I'm still trying to get over losing my beautiful home of 40 years'.

Here's hoping the next 'move' will be a permanent one.
Ok - don't hate me, but I have never moved in my adult life. We moved into the house I am still in when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. The thought of moving freaks me out because of all the 'stuff' I have! It would take forever to pack up everything.
Oh! Poppy, I can relate to that! I had to move out of hi-set home of 40years! It took TWO pantechnicon trucks; one with furniture, one with my 'goods & chattels'! The house I'm in now is low set, five times SMALLER than original house, & has NO cupboards, except in kitchen!
So as a consequence, I've got a 6x3 metre storage locker, with majority of furniture, & 'stuff' there.
Even in house, cartons unpacked as no where to put stuff. It's taken me two years to get 'liveable' JUST, & it really causes me great anguish, as I can't look at any of my 'stuff', which I found relaxing, & was contentment to me. Such is life! Am 'dreaming' of Lotto multi-millions $$$$ win, with which to buy me land, & build a LARGE low-set home, to MY specifications, with LOTS of cupboards, like I used to have! Cheers!
by donjo
Ten times which, over 50 years, isn't so bad I guess. The most stressful of all was moving from the UK to Australia. It was a bit heartrending deciding what to leave and what to bring over here but we managed in the end. However, I think any time you move house is stressful.
Yes, to the absolute max! Hated it!
But I MAY have to do so again, this year! Oh, the thought is just agony!
by donjo
About 18 so far, some to different countries, or towns within same country. Most when I was younger to the stress was on my parents. As for myself I find moving stressful.
Only once. From my childhood home to the house I moved into when I got married with my husband. We are very happy where we are and we have no need to move. I reckon it would be terribly stressful. My friend rents and she moves once every year or two. I don't know how she does it. She just gets comfortable in an area and then moves. I couldn't cope with that. I like permanently and stability in my life. That gypsy lifestyle is not for me.
About five times in the last 25 years
by Finy
I've only moved 5 times, & I've lived in the Sutherland Shire my whole life. I now live in the same suburb I was born in, where we built our 1st house, in 1976. We may move to Melbourne where our 2 daughters & 2 grand-daughters live, after my mother & my in-laws have passed away.
by Miro
Never ever..... We have moved .....Not the house lol .....Mick Hampton
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