Ok - don't hate me, but I have never moved in my adult life. We moved into the house I am still in when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. The thought of moving freaks me out because of all the 'stuff' I have! It would take forever to pack up everything.
Oh! Poppy, I can relate to that! I had to move out of hi-set home of 40years! It took TWO pantechnicon trucks; one with furniture, one with my 'goods & chattels'! The house I'm in now is low set, five times SMALLER than original house, & has NO cupboards, except in kitchen!
So as a consequence, I've got a 6x3 metre storage locker, with majority of furniture, & 'stuff' there.
Even in house, cartons unpacked as no where to put stuff. It's taken me two years to get 'liveable' JUST, & it really causes me great anguish, as I can't look at any of my 'stuff', which I found relaxing, & was contentment to me. Such is life! Am 'dreaming' of Lotto multi-millions $$$$ win, with which to buy me land, & build a LARGE low-set home, to MY specifications, with LOTS of cupboards, like I used to have! Cheers!