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How many shoes do you have?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Are you one of those people who has a pair of shoes for every outfit, or just one pair for every occasion?

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A pair for each occasion mainly. I have sneakers for running, sandals for everyday wear in summer, Doc Martens for every daywear in winter, a couple of pairs of heels for going out (black to go with most things) somewhere nice and a pair of red cowboy boots just because they're awesome.
why..... did I know you have a pair of 'Doc M's'?
by jonaja
I think I have about 50 pairs...they don't seem to wear out and I seem to wear the same few all the time, so I have now stopped looking at shoes in shops, as can't help myself in buying!
50 is probably about 40 too many.
Each summer/winter I carefully put one lot away is special boxes and store them till the next season.
by Finy
2 pairs of boots - 1 casual / 1 fancy
1 pair of gym shoes
1 pair of sneakers
2 pairs of 'going out' flats
1 pair thongs

I have way more shoes than I have feet but I wear the same ones over and over.
Last count as from today, 10 pairs.

As many as having a shelf dedicated just for them :)
I have 4:

Two pairs of tan Timberland walking boots. One for autumn/winter, and the other and old pair that have no laces, and are just used for pottering in the garden.
One pair of smart brown Timberland boots for special occasions
One pair of men's brown hotter velcro flats for spring/summer in the house

I am not a shoe girl. I have more thongs than anything else. One pair of boots for dressing up in winter. One pair of sandals for dressing up in summer and one pair of hiking boots for work. The rest of the time I prefer bare foot or thongs.
You don't want to know! I have a bit of a shoe fetish and can't resist another pair of shoes. Disgraceful really as I sometimes don't even wear what I have bought.

Must have about 30/40 pairs, including ballet flats, high heels, runners, boots,in every colour imaginable.

It must be a "gene" thing as my sister is exactly the same.
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