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How many nights a week do you dine out?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Mexican food, dishes, eating out,

Do you tend to cook at home every evening, get a take away meal or do you mostly dine out?

#Dining Out
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Quite rarely nowadays. Maybe once in 3 weeks.
At the moment, about five nights a week.
We eat at home 90% of the time....I am fussy, and like to know what is in my food.After hearing some scary stories of late.
We probably eat out at a restaurant once every two or three weeks (we are fairly frugal), but we go out to people's houses (and have them over to ours) at least twice a week.
I cook most of our meals, but we like to eat out as a special treat about once a fortnight.
by Vee
Too many! With two school-aged children, a full-time job, and a very busy schedule, I find that home-cooked food is easily dropped off in favour of eating out: on the way home, on the way back from clubs, at the weekend. My favourite is Friday lunchtime, when my husband brings my daughters to meet me in my lunch-break and we have a family lunch. Makes Fridays worthwhile!
About once a week we have take away and about once a month we go out for
dinner. Once I started eating organic meat it really ruined going out to dinner for me because, apart from a few places I know of that sell it, the rest don't. And sadly I can taste the difference.
Once in a week
As we both retired, many years ago now, we prefer to only dine out for our birthdays or another family members birthdays. I only use the same recipe, once a year, so they're all dated, from a book, or online! We only buy takeaway if we've arrived home from a weeks holiday in Melbourne, in the evening, which is only 4/5/6 times a year.
by Miro
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