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How many loads of washing would you do in one week?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you do more than a load of washing per week?

How many loads would you do approximately, and for how many people are you washing for?

#Washing clothes
#Dirty clothes
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I do about 4 a week at most -sheets every second week, dog blankets every week, clothes every week, delicates every week.

Though I sometimes stretch it out to 10 days and especially now with rain all the time.

I can guarantee rain if I do the washing.
by Finy
I try to do a load each day so it doesn't build up. Often they're pretty small, but I'd prefer to do it like that as it's easier to fit in with all my other duties.
Probably two,and I also do hand-washing of my smalls/delicates!! When I had my son home,it was more likely to be 3 OR 4,or even more!! I always used cold water in my machine,and am lucky that I have good enough weather to dry out on the line 98% of the time!
Even though there are only two of us living here, I still wash almost every day. I have a small machine, and I would say at least 6 times a week. Maybe 5 on a good week.
that is a lot for two people! I somehow hate getting the washing in so avoid washing!
odd how there are things I dont like
by Finy
I know it sounds a lot... but like I said, the machine is a very small front loader and I do the sheets at least once a week, if not every 5 or 6 days (cat hair you know), and we have his and her bathrooms, so extra towels and bath mats that I like to do regularly. Just a bit of clean freak, I guess, and washing is one chore I actually enjoy.
Too much! It seems like I'm always doing washing. I think I do around 5-6 loads, most of those being clothes and 1 load for towels, tea towels and dishcloths. Every 2nd week I do the sheets. This is for 5 people.
Two humans, a dog and 12 chooks in my family. The chooks dont create much washing. ;-)
My husband washes his own clothes but I do everything else. Probably 5 loads a week unless we have had visitors then there will be an extra load or two with king size sheets, towels, tablecloths and napkins.
Three or four loads for three adults and one baby. One load for towels, one load for work clothes, one load for ordinary clothes, and an extra load every other week for bed clothes.
by Vee
I'm thinking between two and four loads depending. On a light laundry week my wife and I may only do one dark load and one light load, on a heavy we will our two regular loads, plus our bedding and towels and a load of animal blankets.
no way special load for the dog blankets in the washing machine
that ole dog can get to love layers of newspaper to shed all over.

by fran.
I do a lot of handwashing and would only do approx. 1-2 washing machine loads a week
by Fran
I usually do 4 loads a week for 2 adults
by AJ
I do about 9 loads of washing a week... I'm sure the
Neighbours are throwing their dirty clothes over
The fence!
LOL maura -you need to stay up all night to catch those pesky neighbours!
by Finy
With a family of 4 including small children there is lots to do. I do at least 3 loas of laundry.
by Gia
I probably do half a dozen myself and the two kids would do a load each every week.
I used to get my son to do his own washing too. People would be surprised but operating a washing machine and hanging clothes on a line are important life skills.
by annfi
I used to get my son to do his own washing too. People would be surprised but operating a washing machine and hanging clothes on a line are important life skills.
by annfi
Every alternate day. So maybe 3 times a week. More than enough for 2 people
I have four children, each filthier than the last. We do a load a day, sometimes more. One day I'll have to take up a time consuming hobby (like watching paint dry) to fill the tedious hours in a day that I used to spend washing. (Maybe I'll just read more books and drink more wine).
I often do my washing once a week - that way, everything is in order by the end of the week and I don't ever have to worry about running out of clothes for uni/placement :-) Plus, it helps when you can recycle certain clothes at least 3-4 times without it needing a wash.
two or three a week for two people. teenagers!!!
Atleast twice or thrice in a week.
Three: one clothing, one sheets, one towels. Easy!
Now, only 2-3. When kids' at home, 1-2 DAILY!
As I now live alone I only do about two washloads a week. The majority of my clothes are made of fairly light material and can easily be handwashed.
I machine wash towels and bedding weekly. I wait until I have a load of dark heavy clothes, ie several pairs of jeans, and then machine wash them - perhaps fortnightly.
I am only washing for me (maybe a few things of my great grandson's) which I put in with my clothes. So I do one load of dark clothes and one load of light colored clothes per week. Thanks for asking this question...

All of them!

Did I miss something there?

Ha ha Ha.
It depends on the weather! 1 light, 1 dark wash usually, or sometimes none!
by Miro
I have now got it down to 5 days a week, at least one load...but! some of those days 2-3, .
I have to change my clothes twice a day, and they have to be washed.Plus my son never uses his towel again after a shower, he likes a new one every time...Also I have to change his bed as he sweats in summer, so yes I do a LOT of washing.I'm use to it.
A guess now, it would be maybe 10 loads a week.(I just have to have clean linen and clothes).

I can not wear the same thing more than once, without it being washed.

Plus, not all my loads are full, some are half.
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