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How many hours of sleep do you get everyday?

by Pauline (follow)
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sleep, hours of sleep a day, rest
Source: Wikipedia, by rachel CALAMUSA

We never seem to get enough hours in a day so ladies, just curious how many hours of sleep do you get on average daily? Are you working full-time, part-time or stay-at-home mum?

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Quick answer - not enough :) I'd get on average 6 hours a night I think. Part-time work-at-home Mum here.
I ideally average between 7.5 and 8 hours per night, and I sleep more before and during my period. I don't have children so perhaps my sleep is a luxury not afforded to mothers.

Studies have shown that women need more sleep than men, and that 8.5 hours is a good target.
I usually get about seven and a half hours sleep a night, but sometimes when I'm going out the next day, I get up early, meaning I only get about five and a half. I often take an afternoon kip though.
Anywhere from 2-10 hours a night. It depends on how much is going on. Sometimes it is tricky to switch off, and at other times you're so tired/exhausted, you're asleep in seconds. I find that during winter I need more sleep. Where I live, cheeping birds naturally wake me up, as my garden is right outside my bedroom.
I aim for at least eight, but ever since I became a mother about 8 years ago, I don't remember a night where I got the eight hours in a single chunk. I wake up at least 2-3 times for no good reason. I miss sleeping! :)
I am really bad I am always tired mainly because I go to bed about midnight every night because I am so addicted to my IPad. Lol I really must stop
I found out the hard way for years.....not enough sleep, makes for a very unhappy me!

I get from 7-8 hours per night.

I work part time, home duties, family ect ect.

I think as a woman, I just have to make sure I do look after myself, or all hell happens when I'm not at my best.

Not enough. Even though I get between 7 and 8 hours, it is always broken, disturbed sleep. Rarely get more than a couple of hours straight.
An afternoon siesta/nanna nap for about 20 minutes in the early afternoon (when working at home) is fantastic as well.
On average I'd say 7.5 hours a night although if it's been a really busy day sometimes I go to bed a bit later than usual. Other nights I'm really tired and have to hit the sack early. I work full time at a school and I must say by the time the school holidays arrive I am exhausted and dragging myself out of bed in the mornings. Definitely not enough hours in the day when you are a working mum!
Not enough. 6ish. I get up early to write.
I probably get around 7, sometimes 8 hours a night which I love!
by Finy
Anywhere between 7 and 8 hours. To feel 100% though, I need 10, after that I feel like I'm on top of the world!
I aim for at least eight hours.
I always aim for eight and usually get it. Any less and I'm guaranteed a migraine.
About 7 or 8
About 6 hours. Thankfully I have such quality sleep that that is enough. 7 is a 'big' sleep in for me! I work full-time.
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