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How many hours do you spend on household chores everyday?

by Pauline (follow)
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Source: Domestic Bliss

Do you clean the house everyday? If yes, how much time is spent on doing housework (e.g. cleaning, washing, sweeping, de-cluttering etc) daily? If not, how often do you clean? (especially if you are working full-time)

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Most of the time not enough but sometimes too much and then it's still not enough!
It all depends on how much cleaning needs to be done around the home, and how often you clean your home for starters. If one is expecting home visitors; at least an extra five hours a week cleaning time is necessary. In times where most dust accumulates, you'd be spending at least an extra hour a week cleaning.
10-15 minutes generally. I should probably do more dusting and vacuuming, but there are so many other things to take off. Housework is generally not at the top of my priority list.
Yes, I totally agree, too many other things to do!
I clean my house which is very small , everyday.
It would seem even though there is only my son and I, it needs to have it cleaned every day!
I'm not happy to have to do it,but I love a nice clean home.

Not always the same jobs, each day...but combination of jobs.

I may do 2 to 3 hrs a day just depends.
by jonaja
I have to admit I have a male house-mate who LOVES doing housework so 99% of the time he does it while I'm at work...usually on a Saturday. Apart from that, I would only spend about 45 mins on average per day considering washing and ironing.
Housework is not the top priority of me nor my partner, and it shows :P I have chronic fatigue syndrome though so that's my excuse. Some days I don't do any housework at all apart from cooking and loading the dishwasher, etc. Shame, shame, shame.
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ID: 3713
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