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How many hours a day do you spend on your computer?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Tatyana bhos

We know that spending too much time on a computer is bad. And I'm not mentioning the effects it has on your mental health or your social life. I'm referring to the negative effects computers have on your physical health. It doesn't take a genius to know that staring all day at the monitor is bad for your eyes. People having to work extended hours with a computer in their office also have problems with their posture, back pains and other health issues from inactivities.

What about you? How long do you spend working on your computer everyday? Do you have any suggestions for people who need to work with computers all the time?

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Unfortunately, I'm one of those who have to stick to their laptops all day round. I do take a few minutes break to stand up and stretch my body once in a while, though. Still, my doctor is not very satisfied with my health check result.
I usually spend 8-10 hours a day during the week and about 3-4 hours a day on the weekend.
I spend about
8-9 hours a day.....every day on the computer.
I even have withdrawal symptoms, if not on it after maybe a day away from home.

During the week (Monday to Friday) I am on the computer anywhere from 4-12 hours a day. I do have a lot of face to face client meetings that take me away from the computer sometimes. On average 4-12 hours a day during the week. On weekends, about 4 hours a day.
Great Question, seeing that I am in front of the computer right now. My job requires me to be in front of the computer, however of late, I find the computer a little boring and prefer to spend more time doing things that does not include a computer!
On a normal day at home with my kids, probably an hour and a half all up (mostly in little chunks). More if I get do some writing or editing in the evening. Bad for my eyes, I know. At least I'm not squinting at a phone screen all day since I don't have a smart phone. I have an ipod touch but that's mostly for listening to stuff, not looking at.

If you have to sit at a computer all day it's better if you get up and stretch often, and try and get out for a walk in your lunchbreak if you can, as well as a work before or after work (when I worked in an office I walked to and from the bus stop which was something at least). And make sure your computer setup is as ergonomic as possible, monitor settings, good desk and chair height, wrist wrest if you need one etc.
Too many.
Usually 3-4 hours a day. I try to have a couple of days a week away from the computer.
too much. 2 hours every morning to write or blog. At least!!
Too many. I'm getting a headache as we speak, but to be fair it is far too hot to do anything useful today.
by Vee
I spend maybe 12 + hours on my computer a day.
As many as I can fit in before people comment on the time. Or before they start with the "are you going to cook a meal tonight" ?
Many -i play games
by Finy
It depends on what I have to do. If I have work, a few hours, if not, I don't even turn it on.
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