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How many different crafts have you done in the last 20 years?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you done many different crafts over the last 20 years?

Which ones have you done, and which were/are your favourites?

Did you successfully do each one or have difficulties?

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I've tried a few different crafts. Beadwork (making jewellery), crochet, knitting, cross stitch, friendship bracelets, making stuffed animals... There are probably other things I can't remember. I've met with varying degrees of success. Usually it takes a bit of practice to get the hang of them. I've made a few things that I was happy to wear, display or give as gifts.
I think I would have done a great deal, too many to remember all.
One I really loved was Gold Gilding,onto furniture and things.I did have to pay for that course, but I had money at the time.
I am doing Steam Punk at the moment, and it is the one that is a tad difficult.
Mainly because of the different ways, one can do the designs.
I have been successful, with all of them.....but time has to be the big element.
Improving as you go, and using imagination too!

Jonaj -what is Steam Punk?
by Finy
Steam punk is a sub-genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery,[1] especially in a setting inspired by industrialised Western civilisation during the 19th century. Steam punk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has regained mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. Steam punk perhaps most recognisably features anachronistic technologies or retro-futuristic inventions as people in the 19th century might have envisioned them, and is likewise rooted in the era's perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style.ect.
by jonaja
That sounds really cool! Do you cosplay? Some of those costumes can be so clever!
At the moment I am doing it in a very very tiny way...More like art.On books ect, as like in the pic...not game to do too much at this stage.Just learning all about it.So much to get my head a round..lol
by jonaja
I love Steampunk. It's amazing what people put together to get the look. There is a shop in Annerley Brisbane that sells steampunk jewelry and a few doors down an Op Shop that displays steampunk outfits - usually size 6. Rats. Check it out on Pinterest.
by lynne
I love experimenting with different kinds of crafts but don't have the time to do it as much as I'd like. I already draw and sketch, as well as do knitting, card-making, beading and (simple) embroidery. However, I really want to learn crochet, spinning, pottery and anything else that captures my interest. Will get around to it one of these days! A lot of these are dying art-forms so it's up to us all to keep them alive.
I learnt making some stuff from chocolate like bouquets. Also learnt basics of crochet.
yum, that sounds nice! chocolate.
by Finy
Painting, drawing, paper mache, pottery. I might have had a one-off go at other things as well, but I can't remember. I think basic drawing is my favourite because it requires the least preparation and materials.
Not as many as I would have liked. Life seems to get in the way. I suppose I've done a few: sketching, knitting, quilling, glass-painting, collaging, the list goes on! I'm going on a print-making course in May, and I really can't wait.
I've done knitting in the past few years and tried my hand at creating mosaics. Still in the developing stages with that craft, but it is satisfying to see a mosaic come to life. I also like to draw and paint when I can.
I've always wanted to try mosaic. I even got as far as assembling some tiles on a table and thinking about it. Then I chickened out. I recently tried shabby chic look with milk paint,which was interesting but not as easy as I'd hoped. I think I'll go back to spray cans - quick, easy and cheap. At the moment, I am part way through a pincushion, a crocheted rug, a patchwork quilt (which I started over 20 years ago!!) In the past I've tried scrapbooking, knitting, long stitch tapestry, cross stitch, applique and embroidery- with limited success.There are still things I'd like to do but my level of skill is never up to my ideas.
by lynne
I mostly do original bead work - as in original projects, using canvas or foam shapes, then painted and beaded.
Current soon to be finished project is a coffee beans in a mug for a friend. Using the smallest size of foam egg, then cut them in half, painted brown and beaded with brown beads, then glued into the mug.
Ok - where to start....card making, scrapbooking, leadlight/copperfoil, mosaics, beading, making handbags, making fabric flowers, patchwork, tapestry & probably a few others I've forgotten. Can't say I'm a natural at any of these but I enjoy giving it a go & wish I had more time to pursue some of them a little more. All my Mum's craft items & books were passed on to me after she passed away so I''ve also got a full set of paints for folk art, a box of fabric dyes, boxes of lace & braid & boxes of material to keep me busy over the next few years.
Ok - where to start....card making, scrapbooking, leadlight/copperfoil, mosaics, beading, making handbags, making fabric flowers, patchwork, tapestry & probably a few others I've forgotten. Can't say I'm a natural at any of these but I enjoy giving it a go & wish I had more time to pursue some of them a little more. All my Mum's craft items & books were passed on to me after she passed away so I''ve also got a full set of paints for folk art, a box of fabric dyes, boxes of lace & braid & boxes of material to keep me busy over the next few years.
I have done many..
by Finy
Not my scene. Knitted when I was younger, but not since.

I suppose Cooking can be called a 'craft', if so, have done THAT for last 42 years', from simplest meal to Cordon Bleu, same with Microwave Cookery!

Just L O V E COOKING! Must've 'rubbed off' as son is Sous Chef, with Patisserie Certificate, & B.Hosp.Mgt. Degree.......good lad!
Glass blowing would be the most unusual craft I have participated in. I loved it. Working with a furnace and molten glass that is 1200 degrees C is exciting! I would love to try working with a forge and doing some wrought iron work, but don't know if I am strong enough now.
I am an artist so I am constantly experimenting with different crafts. I don't like to do classes where I have to reproduce what the teacher does. I like my work to be unique.
I currently draw/paint with pastels, acrylics, oil or watercolour. I like drawing, painting, mixed media or encaustics.
I have done beading, embroidery, bag making, I design, make and adjust clothing or textile items for the home, knit, crochet, make cards, make stencils, stamps, scrapbook, arrange flowers, paper craft, dress cupie dolls, make decorations, tin can art, limited work with timber including wood turning, made items from corrugated iron ,book binding, I have some materials ready to start carving into blocks like cement ,but softer .....I can do anything, if I can't do it I keep trying until I can.
As you can imagine- my studio is full!
Ps - many more I haven't mentioned. I will never die of boredom!
by annfi
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