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How many coffees do you have in a day?

by Xarah (follow)
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I have a horrible habit of drinking at least 4 cups of coffee throughout the day, hoping that at least one of them will work their wonders and wake me up.

However, after recently studying some of the adverse effects over-use of caffeine does to your voice, I have tried to cut it down to about 2 a day.

How often do you drink coffee in a day? Do you notice any changes in your voice at the end of the day when you've had too much caffeine?

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None. I'm a tea person. I have two, sometimes three cups of tea a day.
Oh dear . . . I have easily double that amount. (0^0)
by Rice
I have mostly one coffee though could easily drink more -I tend to listen to health things I hear or read, and as someone once told me "coffee leaches calcium from bones" I then stopped drinking my 3 cups per day.
I can have coffee minutes before going to bed and will still sleep, however I generally stick to my one per day, sometimes two.
by Finy
One.... But lately I have ended up having two thanks to meetings.
I stopped drinking coffee over 45 years ago, never looked back.
I have one coffee in a day. I prefer tea.
I haven't had a coffee in years. If I need a pick-me-up, a cat nap usually does the trick.
by Vee
Only the one and I'm trying to cut it back to one a week, which I have done for about a year up until recently when it crept up to one a day. I feel tireder since I've been drinking a daily cup of coffee again, so much as I like it, it has to go!
None here either. I used to drink coffee, but after being diagnosed as gluten intolerant I became more aware of how my body was reacting to different things I put in it. Coffee gave me mild stomach pains, so I just decided to switch to tea. There are plenty of teas that still have some caffeine in it if you feel the need, and with so many blends around now I can really enjoy the variety.
I once drank countless, but now I have 2 in the morning (just some black coffee at home), and if I have another one it would be a half decaf at around 3pm. (that 3rd is out of habit than anything, and I often don't worry about it).
Two. One before I leave the house and one around 10 o'clock. Only after the second one I start waking up. I try to refrain from afternoon coffee, otherwise I'm staring at the ceiling at least half of the night.
Certainly not every day. Maybe once or twice a week. Some weeks not at all. I am a tea drinker so I have a Latte treat when I'm out sometimes.
by Rice
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