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How many Christmas lights do you put up every year?

by Therese B (follow)
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Christmas Lights

Some houses go all out with Christmas lights every year and enter local competitions where other houses do absolutely nothing at all. Do you put up outdoor Christmas lights to brighten up the neighbourhood or prefer to leave it to other households in the area?

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After doing nothing much at all last year with decorations, we made a real effort this year. As we're having a Xmas party we decided to buy some solar net lights & string lights and icicle lights. They look really great.Together with the lights on the tree shining through the window, the house looks quite Christmasy. If anyone is looking at buying solar lights, I really recommend them. Not just for the cost saving on electricity, but you also don't have to find multiple power points for them.
We've never put up Christmas lights. I used to worry about using too much electricity but it's probably not an issue now we have solar power. I'm just not a huge fan of them.
I've just got some solar lights for the first time this year. They were quite cheap & they are really good. It's great not having to find a bunch of power points for all the different plugs for multiple sets of lights. And as you have mentioned, it saves money on electricity.
I really don't, I have become very lazy in the last few years with this.
I use too, but then my work has really kept me on the go!
If I retire I will be into it for sure!
We made more of an effort this year and I must say, it did take us quite some time to put everything up. And we haven't got up anywhere near as many lights as some other houses around neighbouring streets. I agree that when you're working, it is difficult to find the time.
by jonaja
We have two strings of them on our xmas tree, and we're going to get some solar lights for the protea in the front yard.
The solar lights are great. And they're not too expensive. I bought some for the first time this year & they work really well.
None. I'm a pretty big Grinch...we don't even have a tree!
Two - one on the tree and one on a window.
by Vee
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