If we were 'back in the day'...then it would make no real difference, people grew their own food, had sheep, cows, chickens ect.
We are now most of us living in cities.
My girlfriend is one of 17.All living and well....By today's world that is a tad too many.
I don't think I could have had more than 3 children,how do you feed all those mouths?
Clothe them,put a roof over their heads.
I think to be very fair to the children...love is in this case not quite enough.
You have the well being in all issues with one child, now multiply over again.
Again and again.
Children are Not a commodity!
They are priceless and deserve the best, so when people take that into consideration, instead of the more the better....a child will be the first priority, not just some random wishes, or lack of birth control.