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How many books have you read so far?

by silvi (follow)
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Are you a bookaholic?

How many books have you read so far?

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In my lifetime? I can estimate, but it's probably not very accurate. I read about a book a week on average (that's just counting the ones I actually finish), and I read at least 2 a week when I was a teenager so...I dunno, thousands.
Yes, in your lifetime. I asked that question thinking that other people are doing like I'm doing, taking notes from the books I've read, and writing down the title and author. I'm doing this since I was in college, I like to remember the books I've read by reading the list.
by silvi
I do keep a list of them (which is how I know I average about a book a week each year) but I haven't done that for my whole life, just a decade or so. I don't take notes on them, just the title and author, which I like to know in case I can't remember which books in a series I've read or who wrote a particular book.
Hundreds would be my guess. I've only started keeping track recently via Goodreads and read 70 last year and 55 so far this year.
I have no idea.
by Vee
I miss reading books...I haven't read one for pleasure in a while. I had to read ##Fault in Our Stars## for some work I was doing...I regret that that book was the last I picked up. I have read poems and short stories in the interim though.
by Vee
Are we talking about recently? In our lifetime? When? I just love reading REAL books and always have several on the go.
In your lifetime. :)
by silvi
I find it hard to estimate. Hundreds.
by Lluxi
So far since when?

In my lifetime?....who knows lol.

I'm not a bookaholic, to be one I guess I would need a lot of time....That's one thing I have never had enough of.
I only read if sick, or nothing to do(which is never).

I do read my Bible most nights, before bedtime.
Mmmmmm. Books. Thousands, I'd guess. I looooooooooove reading.
by Rice
Me too. :)
by silvi
Me, three!
by donjo
Bookworms of the world unite!!
by Rice
I have read many books.I love reading them.It is one of my favorite hobbies.
I've read quite a few books that I've lost count,.
At an average of 2 or e a week, at least 6,700 books.
What an 'open ended' question!
Do u mean in my life, this year so far, this week, today?

Well, I'm still reading 'Good Cop' at mo.

Library has advised 'Dr Thorne', & 'Belgravia' have arrived for my collection.
Have several more books I've requested, yet to arrive.

I read constantly, & always have a book in my tote bag, when I go out, & especially if attending for appointments, which usually run late, annoyingly!
How could anyone remember? 60 or so years. ago, I read lots to my daughters & now now grand-daughters. but I've never bothered counting them, as I'd never expected anyone to ask me that question! Since our daughters left home, I guess I have read 1 book a year.
by Miro
I have been a prolific reader since childhood (70 years). I guess I would have read thousands of books in that time. Pretty catholic in my taste and will read anything (even cereal packets my husband used to say).

Although I will read any genre my preferred choice is crime fiction.

So many authors, so little time!
in my lifetime? Probably at least 800..maybe 1000. Hard to keep track really. Have been reading since I was about 8 years old!
OMG - thousands! Love, love, love reading. Do it virtually every day. Can't cope if I don't have a book available. Thank goodness for libraries!
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