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How long does it generally take to build a new home?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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building a home, renovating, new home, construction,

If you have built a home recently, how long did it take? Did you design it yourself or was it a project home? Was it difficult dealing with the council to get all the appropriate approvals? Where did you find the contractors who built it?

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I have heard of couples finishing within 12 months. Meaning they were able to move in but normally the yard wasn't fully completed. I have also heard horror stories about contractors not turning up, putting in the wrong things, under estimating the costs etc.
Some councils are much stricter than others in terms of land and heights. Hornsby council is very strict. The land is normally good and leaves you room for a yard but they want you to build your house up rather than out. So if you want a two or more storey place it's perfect but if you want a single level home of a decent size then that council won't work for you.
It does depend on the builder. Unfortunately Iv'e seen a few disputes between client and developer over specifications not fulfilled. This can drag out construction. Generally, the period is 12 months from when the contract is signed and the first progress payment is made to the builder. Depending on the area (council) it can take a little longer.
Hi homebuilders. Our home took 6 months to build. The original fibro home was demolished in August and we moved in on 10 February. I designed the home however it added $100,000 to the basic building company plans. Council has a new way of approving homes which is much quicker and the builder was "Gavan & Shallala".
Took from July to end September for our hi-set brick home to be built, 42 years' ago.
Our builder's now retired.
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