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How important is exercise to your health?

by carolyncordon (follow)
Carolyn Cordon Positively Positive Prose! mickjaneandme.wordpress.com/
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Our oldest Pharaoh Hound

How important is Exercise to your health?

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Its important but I do not do as much as I should. I walk quite a bit so that compensates for it.
Walking is exercise!

It is Vital!

For me sadly I had a accident nearly 2 years ago, so my exercise is way down, and wow I feel it....If you can go for a walk, because it is summer...best way to do it is (leave your money in the car)! and just get to a Huge shopping Mall, and walk floor to floor...Your in air conditioning, easy access, as you walk for say 1 hour..NO Stopping....or....shopping ! and if you do it in 15 mins, reverse, and go back, and again and again....till you have done your 1 hr walking.

Try to do this 2-3 times for 1 hr a week, and watch the weight come off, also eat ''clean''.
Only Real foods...No can drinks or soft drinks.

Exercise is Huge to a good healthy life :)
Yes, when someone else is covering the cost of the air conditioning, that's a great idea! And there are usually lots of places to rest for a while when and if you need it!

Exactly, and the reason 'why' I say use a shopping mall is that you have
A place to rest
Air con
and here's the kicker! something to look at, and you will never know your exercising...you can trick your mind, so it becomes rather fun! :)
by jonaja
Exercise is very important to me, however if I did not have dogs I probably would not do any exercise!
I walk them each morning however am down to walking just 1 1/2 kms whereas I used to do more than that.
However I still consider it exercise. Love the dog, Carolyn
by Finy
Thanks, This is Ananka, she is the mother of our other two Pharaoh Hounds. Her children are even more beautiful than her, and they are sweeter than their mother in temperament too (They take after their father, who was our first Pharaoh Hound. Sadly, he is now gone, but he lived a good life ...)

I don't do much walking, but I have given myself to raise my exercise level to lose a little weight,and to get stronger, physically and mentally!
Exercise is very important to me as it is necessary for my back. I go swimming every second day and I do water aerobics. I never used to do much exercise at all and didn't really enjoy it. Now I have found a type of exercise that I enjoy, I am able to improve my physical and mental health easily.
That's great to read about. I have Multiple Sclerosis and I will never forget my neurologist telling me to walk more and said this - "Use it or Lose it" so I try to keep mobile, so I can keep on being mobile!
by Rice
Exercise? It is important, although I must admit I haven't been faithful to myself and go for my walks like I should. I have been putting other matters ahead of my needs.
Yes Janet, I have to confess I let other things get in the way of my exercise far too often. I do make a conscious decision to park a little bit further away from wherever I'm going, so I get some incidental exercise in through walking ...
Extremely important and one of the best ways to exercise is to just walk. I walk 6/10 kms every day and have a set route and walk at a steady pace. I also do a lot of thinking when I walk so it is great for psychological wellbeing as well. An added bonus is you feel more energised after a long walk.
Yes, I try to get added steps into my day when I go out, by parking a little bit further away. I don't do lots of steps in a day, my husband has a Fit bit and I'm impressed by the number of steps he does some days ... Sometimes I think I should get myself my own fit bit device ...
You'd be surprised Carolyn at just how many steps you do during the course of a day - they say 10,000 should be the goal - but just walking round the house doing chores, shopping and in the garden can build up the number of steps remarkably. I have a fitbit like your husband and I wear it all day every day and it's amazing how the kms and steps add up. Would be worth giving it a go.
by norma
Very...but it doesn't happen a lot.
by Vee
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