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How far ahead do you plan meals and shop for them?

by Finy (follow)
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How far ahead do you plan meals and shop for them?

#Plan meals
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I use Home Delivery mostly for my shopping, so I have to plan ahead.

As I publish most of my recipes on Recipe Yum, I plan most of my meals up to a week ahead.

I love working out what I am going to make, and cooking it, photographing it etc and I generally only shop for groceries once a week as have a back problem and a problem lifting.
by Finy
I am the worst meal planner ever. We always get fed and I do the cooking . . but planning, well, I open the freezer and stare at the contents a lot. LOL (however, I always have fresh veges as I hate frozen ones)
by Rice
I live alone and just tend to cook what I want each night as I feel the inclination for anything!
When my son was at school,I always had an idea in the morning what I would be cooking that night.It made life so much easier when feeding more than just me! But now,I often simply feel like fruit and cheese for my evening meal,so that is what I shall enjoy!!When I am given freshly caught fish,I always cook that straight away,as it is the ONLY way to really get the best from it.I always have a good supply of fresh fruit and vegies,as my neighbour takes me shopping for these every few days,when HE is going for his own,so THAT part of my meal is easily sorted!!
That depends. If I am in the mood for something I may say next time I go shopping I want that but in general it's done right before shopping. I don't generally do the shopping for the meals though.
I only go grocery shopping once a week so I plan the meals for the week before I head to the shop
by AJ
I plan for the week and shop for food stuffs on Monday - if I am organised. Which has been most weeks since the uni break began.
by Vee
Nowadays, I don't 'plan', per se.
I just eat what I feel like doing so at the time. No regime there, either, just have something when the mood takes me, be it 4pm or 10pm!

I tend to shop, if, & when the need arises. As long as I've plenty of fresh fruit, & veggies at home, I can 'whip up' a small meal, as desired.

Was looking at 'Recipe Yum' last night, which gave me inspiration to cook, in small casserole dish, some spuds, onion, tomato, & chorizo, layered, & just covered in veggie stock.
I really enjoy this simple type of meal.

Other 'stand-by's' are Salmon & Rice Kedgeree, so simple. Also, spud, onion, sliced cabbage, with chopped chook pieces, in chook stock.

I certainly apply the 'KISS' principle!

Usually about a week. I usually know what type of meal I will be having well in advance, so it is just a matter of making sure that I have the meat and all the veggies, if required, for that meal. Then I can buy it. If I run out of any staple items at home, then I have to go out and replace those between shops.
If I'm thumbing through recipes and find several I like, I add what I need to a mental list and purchase with my weekly shop. However my husband usually has other ideas. He does most of the cooking and is quite boring inasmuch as he tends to cook exactly the same meat and veggies with that meat all the time. I like different veggies for a change with a new recipe. It's not rocket science to follow recipe instructions so I guess I just have to keep on trying to get him to change his routine.
usually one to two hours plan and shop well dinner anyway other meals get more forward thought
Cooking for one these days means I don't plan either like most of you, eat what I want and when, Sometimes I "feel" like something "yummy" and then will make it, but usually only if feeding more than one will I plan.
I'm a tad over 'Planning'.

It gets boring if I know what we are going to eat, so I do like to just go on a whim, run up the shop and Bingo!
Don't those paper bingo coupons choke you . . . . . . ? (ᵔᴥᵔ)

by Rice
by jonaja
I love that you can appreciate a joke, jonaj. :-)))))
by Rice
I LOVE the way your so funny :)
by jonaja
Pssssssssssst . . .gia eats staples . . ! that's gotta be worse than bingo coupons. baha!
by Rice
by jonaja
Oh, jooooonnnaaaajjjjjjj . . . . . (said like, "Mr Wiiiiiillllsonnnn!")
by Rice
by jonaja
I have a general plan in my head. I have staples that I buy at least once a week so I have to plan at least a week in advance. I do not like having to run back and forth to the store because I didnt plan well.
by Gia
I plan my lunches, dinners and snacks a week in advance, which means I only need to shop once a week and solely buy what is required for those particular meals.

Long term this saves me both time and money - something I greatly appreciate!
I never plan ahead. I buy the food, then each night I'll look for a new recipe I haven't made for at least 12 months, listing a few of the ingredients I have.
by Miro
We have the same thing on each night of the week, e.g: Tin tuna on Sundays, Chicken on Mondays etc, but I only make the recipe once year, so when I've run of that days meat from the freezer, & buy more when I'm shopping again.
by Miro
Ops sorry, I've answered this question twice. I thought I hadn't answered this 1 before. I didn't check it properly.
by Miro
I like to plan by a couple of days at least to make sure I have the necessary ingredients.
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