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How early is too early to have a drink?

by Xarah (follow)
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Source: Fatema Sitabkhan (own photo).

How early is too early to hit the pub/open a bottle of alcohol?

It could range from anything between beer/cider to shots of vodka/tequila.


#Drinking Ettiquette
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Hard one to answer because it really depends on the circumstances and the reason that you are having that drink. There is the champagne and orange juice breakfast celebrating the impending nuptials, the holidays that you have waited a decade for or a myriad of celebrations. Then there is the stark contrast of the person who has a severe addiction and their waking need is to have a drink. No judgement in either scenario just a statement that with every perspective there is a myriad of alternative views.
I think it depends on the social situation and the drink. If you are at the pub, then I think it is fine to have a beer in the afternoon, but for some reason, I can't help but feel that drink wine before 5pm is too early.
On very special occasions I will drink before or with lunch but usually I will only drink with or after supper. It all depends on the circumstances.
I asked this question the other day! It was one in the afternoon and I had a hankering for a glass of wine. I decided it was too early and left it for later.
by Vee
good girl :)
by jonaja
Depends on your mood when you want have drinks.
I think Drinks at 6 pm. is quite decent.
Cocktail hour, and also chic.
Don't drink so wouldn't know but when on holiday my girlfriends start off after 11am. They say before that is a bit too early!
NEVER too early for a drink!!! I haven't had alcohol for breakfast before, BUT, if I went out for brunch, I think that would be okay for a glass of wine. If its a meal in a social situation or at a restaurant, that's ok.
Xmas, & Easter, seafood BBQ with Champers & OJ!
Then Lunch, cool, sweet White or Rose wine.

Then Dinner, good quality, full bodied Aussie Reds!

Other times, not before Lunch.
Should be 21 years like the USA, people are a little more mature then.
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