I think that is something you have to come to terms with straight away, or you are in the wrong job. Everyone is entitled to legal counsel, even if you are a terrorist whose crime was witnessed by hundreds of innocent people/ survivors. There are lawyers who work for The Mob and gangs, and if they are good at their craft, they would do their very best. They would find some little loophole that would let their client off. There is always the old standby that " they weren't read their rights properly" , so they go free. I'm sure these lawyers are well paid, but they would try their best.
Well. innocent until proven guilty is what they have to believe. They get paid obscene amounts of money no matter what side they are on! I think if the lawyer has gotten a guilty person off and that person repeats the crime, the lawyer should be jailed along with the perpetrator! Wouldn't that make the lawyers clean up their act???