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How do you work out your bra size?

by Ennvy.c (follow)
Fashion (139)     
Some women go through life wearing the wrong sized bra, others have to buy new ones throughout different stages of their lives. But how exactly do you work out your bra size? Is it through trial and era, going to the bra store and taking in 10 different sizes to try or is there a more methodical way you can measure your bra size and cup?

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I always ask for help from a lingerie specialist. It saves time. Measure up.
Many bra shops will have fitters at the store.

You can do it yourself if you want using a calculator like http://www.berlei.com.au/bra-size-calculator/
Or using a table like: http://www.brasnthings.com/Fitting-Room/The-Perfect-Fit/How-to-measure.html, especially if you have an unusual size, or are embarrassed about going to a fitter.

Of course, even once you know your size you need to try on each bra and check its fit. Look for no 'double boobs', a centre panel that sits flat against your body, and a back that doesn't lift up.
Various shops have fitter at the store. A prime example is Berlei bra fitters. And this service is absolutely free.
Go to the bra shop and get some help! I've had 3 babies in 7 years and have changed shape far too many times to have a standard size.
There are bra sizes and bra sizes. The safest way to buy a bra is by trying it on at the store. Not all stores have experienced bra fitters available.
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