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How do you stop worrying?

by helenonthesofa (follow)
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Photo: Maxwell GS - Wikimedia Commons

Worries can keep you up at night, make you obsess about things sometimes outside of your control, and they can generally make your life quite miserable. How do you stop yourself worrying about things? What strategies do you employ to stop your mind from worrying, and switch off?

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I do a project.

Or watch something funny on YouTube.

Or go have a good cry, then find something yummy to eat...''Chocolate where are you''!!!!!

Then, I feel great....For women, they should always keep a little chocolate in the house.
It's helps considerably, and then we feel so much better.Proven fact-No Lie!
Sometimes I just tell myself to ''snap-out-of-it''.
That only works 10% of the time....but it can work.
Me personally:
I would go for the cry, and chocolate .....That's me.
By nature I am not a worrier, so I don't tend to spend too much time worrying. But if something bothers me, I find meditation usually calms me and helps me to deal with problems.
I try to switch off by reading a book, going for a run or watching a movie. Sometimes the worries just don't go away though, so then I might need to talk to a friend, think about what I'm worrying about and seeing if there's a deep rooted issue I might need to resolve.
Just taking a few deep breaths, and speaking out my concerns with someone else. Meditation and calming activities also help.
I don't tend to worry too much because I have a pretty good idea of what I can and cannot control. Once you realise that many things are outside of your control you stop worrying and instead focus on influencing the factors you can control. Worrying is a passive activity- moving into action short circuits the worrying and helps you move towards what you want to have happen.
Oh man, I'm such a worrier. The best way is to distract yourself with other activities, meet people, do some sports and try to focus on those things while you're at it. After a while, you'll start to realise that the worries weren't that huge of a problem (and if they were, then you'd have to do something about it rather than just mope and worry).
Good advice!
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