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How do you spot a liar?

by Pauline (follow)
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how to spot a liar, catch a liar, signs of a liar,
Source: www.imdb.com

Some people tell lies so naturally that you might not even notice the small changes in facial expressions and body language. Do you know what are the little expressions and body language to spot a liar? Have you caught one before? If yes, how did you tell?

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Straight forward answers are less likely to be lies. When someone adds too much detail to justify what they're saying it's often a sign that they're not telling the truth.

Let them keep talking and you'll soon pick out the inconsistencies in their story.

Other lies are easy to pick up. Chocolate on the face of a toddler who says he never touched the chocolate box is a good sign that they've delved into the chocolate!
Body language, and it's all in the eyes. Lack of eye contact, and eyes moving in one direction (I think we learn't in NLP it was to the left, need to double check that), as well as fidgeting and soft tone with a lot of "ums" and "ahs" thrown in.
I look out for eye contacts, quivers in the voice, making sense of what is being told and looking at prior behaviour to evaluate a potential lie or liar.
fidgety and avoiding eye contact
They look to their left. They often blink a lot. They cannot look you straight in the eye either.
When someone touches their ear, generally it is a sign of a lie.
With verbal expressions I do as the constabulary would; I listen for contradictions of their statements.
The way in which they direct their eyes, and also if they immediately become defensive.
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