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How do you retaliate if someone shouts at you?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you retaliate if someone shouts at you?

#Shout back
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I hate being shouted at or to!

It all depends on the situation as to how I retaliate -sometimes I "shrink" into myself and do not answer and that is usually when I am scared of the person (my ex!), and then sometimes I lose my cool and start shouting back.

I would say I end up feeling better those times that I do not lose my cool and shrink....I sometimes say things I regret otherwise.
by Finy
If it is someone I know well I will tell them in no uncertain terms to Tone it Down!!There is rarely any reason good enough to raise our voices with those we know,and even less reason with those we don't know as it is such a disrespectful behaviour !! If I am spoken to in this manner,I tend to walk away after suggesting that we should agree to disagree about whatever has caused the other person to shout at me. I have on occasion,of course,been known to shout,usually at my son,and I always feel so dreadful within seconds that I apologise and ask if we can start again!!! I've been rather ill for most of my life and as the years have passed I have accepted less and less negative behaviour to intrude into my peaceful lifestyle. It is such a waste of energy and so very unpleasant. It is sad to know that there are actually many folk who THRIVE on being so unpleasantly loud, as well as negative and argumentative,no matter the subject or situation!!
Just go quiet, & say nothing. Walk away, then.

That takes the 'wind out of their sails'!
EXACTLY....they just stand there looking crazy if they yell out at you, and in some cases if ya keep walking fast enough.....they could look like they should be carried away.....
by jonaja
Yes, jonaj, it makes them look like donkeys! If the situation arises on the telephone, options are better, either go quiet, then you hear them say 'are you still there?' & you can respond any way you like then, PROVIDED you're not in the workplace!

If someone starts screaming or shouting at me on home 'phone, they get hung-up on very quickly!
by donjo
I have learnt to walk away.
Best thing ever.

They can keep shouting.....but I'm not interested.

Anyway...haven't had it happen in a long long time :)
Well it is not black and white...it depends on the situation and who it is, relative, friend or someone you don't know, The reaction would be different....I may bear it with one but withdraw from them in the future....I may try and talk about it if it is a friend or I may shout back perhaps if I don't know the person. However, these days that could be dangerous with a stranger so would prob hurry along and get out of the way!
by Fran
I have reacted in different ways. My reaction has always depended on the circumstances and my mood. If I am in a bad mood I will snap and shout back. There are times I have just gone silent and there are times when I have shouted back. It also depends on why I am being shouted at
by AJ
I agree with your honest answer. Like you, for me it depends on the mood I am in, who is doing the shouting, and the circumstance.
by sjcmm
Great question. My reaction depends on a number of things: the situation, the person shouting at me, the setting, who I am with, etc. Sometimes I may shout back; sometimes I may walk away.
by Vee
I usually keep calm and ask them not to shout. We will not have a conversation with shouting.
by Gia
Depends on the circumstances - if it is someone trying to intimidate me, I give them a serve right back. In other situations I try to have a reasonable conversation.
depends who it is and why. maybe I deserved to get yelled at then I'M OK IF NOT I YELL BACK.Or sometimes it gets them more angry if you pretend you don't hear them or that you can't undersatnd the language!
Shout back only louder, then walk away.
I usually shout right back. In circumstances as depicted above, I always want to pretend that I can't hear them and ask them if they can sign language whatever they want to say. But if I did, I would feel guilty because I am too old to display that sort of behaviour.
depends on the situation, I complained a few years ago about the prescription glasses I had just bought, the shut me up the manager or whoever he was raised his voice and I could not get a word in I ended up saying I am not deaf . to which he replied this is my normal voice. well this well know chain has lost me as a customer.
I do my level best to STAY AWAY and AVOID these vermin. I have been known to retaliate when rudely verbally assaulted but it is unlikely. Usually, I stand there, take it, then vomit & shake, in tears, for 2-3 days and avoid all human contact for a week or more.
I very firmly and dangerously quietly say, "Do NOT shout at me!" Works every time. Not that I am in the habit of being in that situation but I will NOT be shouted at. We are not rabble.
by Rice
If it is provocative I try to ignore the person.
However sometimes it can make matters worse, so I guess the best idea is never allow it to come to a shouting contest.
I would take time out and walk away from the situation.
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