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How do you 'pop' crisps?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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I've just tried a very nice packet of 'popped' crisps. The slogan is 'Never fried. Never Baked.' They say they pop the crisps to make them healthier, but not tasting like cardboard. But what exactly is popping, and how is it done?

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I haven't seen anything like these?
They are a fairly new product. We've had baked crisps for a while, but now this 'popped' method has come in. Things is they don't explain what 'popped is.
We have an air popping machine for popcorn so maybe it works like that?
I can understand how you can pop a kernel, but I just don't quite understand how you can pop a potato.
The mind boggles. It makes me wonder what other foods can be popped.
Good question.
No idea!
by Vee
Perhaps it's just a word to make you think your buying something different!?
by Miro
Very possible, but if it is not baked or fried, what exactly is done to it?
I have the answer! The following web site tells how it's done using a machine similar to the rice puff machines. Go to www.seriouseats.com and look for the article dated August 7, 2012.
Thank you, Helga! I'll read it as soon as I get a spare moment.
That was a very interesting article. Thank you for finding it for me!
You're welcome! I found it interesting as well.
by helga
I have no idea. I have never heard of this product
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