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How do you make sure you get a decent sleep?

by Xarah (follow)
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I keep waking up every 2-3 hours and end up feeling very tired at work. Are there any techniques, relaxation exercises or other methods to make sure you don't have a broken sleep?

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A routine is essential!
Sounds like yours is way out of wack.Go to bed every night no later than 10p.m. If you can, and do it like that for a good 8 weeks.

Make sure you don't have too many covers on the bed, if it is a warm night.
Invest in good pillows.
Make sure also your pillow slips are a good thread count.A lot of people don't even 'know why' they can't sleep....but all these factors are important.

Vacuum your mattress each month, and make sure you change your sheets at least every week.
Try to wear cotton sleepwear, and change every two days.
Have a soothing warm Camomile tea drink, 30 mins before going to bed.
The list is endless....Also if you use a soap powder to wash , use a liquid if possible.Your sheets may not be free of soap powder, and you don't know it.
Try the above, and see how you go....
P.S I don't recommend sleeping tablets, for some people they can feel worse, after sleeping.Plus, that really is something you should not take, unless you have spoken to your Doctor!
by jonaja
I am a really bad sleeper, so if I need to get a really good night's sleep, I'll take half a sleeping tablet.
Fortunately for me, I hardly ever have trouble sleeping. I know my parents do though. For Christmas I bought my mum a special pillow that is supposed to help aid sleep. It is important to have a mattress you feel comfortable on as well. Some other tips include:

1. Don't have the TV on, as the light from the screen interrupts your sleeping pattern.
2. Don't drink before going to sleep, as it can make you wake up needing to go to the loo. Alcohol in particular can interrupt your sleep.
3. Don't nap during the day as you won't feel tired at bedtime.
4. Have the room at a comfortable temperature so that you are not too hot or cold.

Some great tips to work with! Thank you!
by Xarah
You're welcome. Hope they help.
Having three little kids I've learned to live with a broken sleep. I can't tell you how to prevent it, but I've learned to live with it by keeping my nutrition in top shape. I find Vitamin C in particular gives me an energy boost if I haven't had enough sleep.
After a baby who woke every few hours through the night for months and months I now relish sleep and have no problem staying awake all night. I did have problems sleeping in the past and think it's important to have a wind down routine in the evening. If you haven't slept well in the night, it's important to still get up in the morning and not get into the habit of lying in.

One other top tip is to make sure you cut out caffeine and drink plenty of water during the day.
Try not to consume any caffeine or stimulants after 4pm, and maybe have a nice cup of warm milk or Camomile tea before settling down to sleep on a pillow sprayed with lavender essential oil (a lovely natural solution).
by Lucy
Excellent idea! I should get some of those lavender sprays :)
by Xarah
Only go to bed when I am really tired. As hard as this is, it is important to switch your mind off completely. Having some lavender under your pillow also helps.
I have a few fail-safe tricks, which ensure I always get a good night's sleep:
Drizzle some lavender oil on your pillow at night - this always works for me.
Ensure your room is completely dark - not light whatsoever.
Avoid caffeine and sugar before bed.
Ideally don't eat at least an hour before your sleep.
Good luck!

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