A routine is essential!
Sounds like yours is way out of wack.Go to bed every night no later than 10p.m. If you can, and do it like that for a good 8 weeks.
Make sure you don't have too many covers on the bed, if it is a warm night.
Invest in good pillows.
Make sure also your pillow slips are a good thread count.A lot of people don't even 'know why' they can't sleep....but all these factors are important.
Vacuum your mattress each month, and make sure you change your sheets at least every week.
Try to wear cotton sleepwear, and change every two days.
Have a soothing warm Camomile tea drink, 30 mins before going to bed.
The list is endless....Also if you use a soap powder to wash , use a liquid if possible.Your sheets may not be free of soap powder, and you don't know it.
Try the above, and see how you go....
P.S I don't recommend sleeping tablets, for some people they can feel worse, after sleeping.Plus, that really is something you should not take, unless you have spoken to your Doctor!