Been there ...done many many times!
I normally make a point to choose certain shops where I would buy my food.
I would always go to the 'same'' checkout person over and over.I always go to the same fruit shop.Same chemist...over time they know who you are, so that is one way to feel part of a new community.Ask how they are, and in time you will have someone who looks forward to seeing you.
I also join a good church, and that is a wonderful new family(may not be for everyone).Start to go to the local Library once a week.Join a group who walk for an hour a day, or a social club.
Start saying hello to people in your street.
Volunteer at the hospital, or school...There is so much out there, it is up to you how much or little you wish, to meet new people.You do have to start the ball-rolling, it will not happen over night in time one never need be lonely.