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How do you make friends in a new town?

by EricaL (follow)
Friends (64)      Moving (7)     
Perhaps you've migrated to a new country, you've moved interstate or just relocated suburb, whatever the decision, you've moved to a brand new town and don't know a soul.

It always helps knowing a few friendly faces in your neighbourhood, acquaintances you can stop and have a chat to, have a coffee, go to the movies with or call on in times of need. So what is the best way to make new friends in a completely new town that you are unfamiliar with?

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There are several ways to make friends in a new town. There are meetup groups on different topics such as running meetup groups or yoga meetup groups. Joining a book club in a library is another way. Also, joining martial arts, tennis, bushwalking groups in the locality are great ways to meet and greet and finally make freinds with new people.
Through work. Getting out and about also helps. Attend as many work functions as you can. Engage in social activities. You might also make friends through your housemates, if you live in a shared accommodation situation.
If you have school-going children, you will meet lots of parents who have similar aged children, therefore similar routines, etc. That's a great way to make friends, especially if the kids get along as well.
If you have school-going children, you will meet lots of parents who have similar aged children, therefore similar routines, etc. That's a great way to make friends, especially if the kids get along as well.
I have changed towns many times through my life and to get a friend you have to be a friend. When you are introduced to someone and they say we must have coffee some time. Say Yes that would be lovely. When? and make a time then and there. Do not leave the arrangements open. You have to force yourself to be outgoing, even if you are shaking on the inside. Good luck.
If you don't have children, borrow some!
Been there ...done that...so many many times!

I normally make a point to choose certain shops where I would buy my food.
I would always go to the 'same'' checkout person over and over.I always go to the same fruit shop.Same chemist...over time they know who you are, so that is one way to feel part of a new community.Ask how they are, and in time you will have someone who looks forward to seeing you.
I also join a good church, and that is a wonderful new family(may not be for everyone).Start to go to the local Library once a week.Join a group who walk for an hour a day, or a social club.
Start saying hello to people in your street.
Volunteer at the hospital, or school...There is so much out there, it is up to you how much or little you wish, to meet new people.You do have to start the ball-rolling, it will not happen over night in time one never need be lonely.
I would join some social groups - like book club, movie club etc - I also agree with the comments thru work and school, if applicable.
Young children are the best way to make friends. When my second child was three we moved. I took him to two playgroups so I could meet other mothers as well as to give him the chance to make friends. Through playgroup I joined a basketball team. I also went to the neighbourhood house and did a couple of short courses. Walking your dog can help you meet other dog owners.
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